The Moment of Truth, for DMM, sound ac3 +, if possible, is shown here.

  • Yeah, another thread with the same topic!

    We all know that the chip supports the feature, but DM has to wait for the driver, which supports it. And, right, this has to be delivered by Broadcom.

    So until DM get's the driver they can't implement a solution for it even if they want to do it. So like a lot of people told you before, just wait and be hopefull that BROADCOM will deliver a driver to DM and do not open a new thread again and again.

    With kind regards


    1.Box: DM 7080 HD Sat

  • STOP SPAMMING! This information is NOT NEW at all. It is well known since this topic first arrised, that the chip supports this feature... DMM NEVER said, that the chip would not support it!
    I will not start repeating reasons for "why" it is not done yet...

  • You MUST be dumb, aren't you?! What exactly you don't understand to the statement, that DMM have to wait until the chip manufacturer provides a appropriate driver :pouting_face:

    STOP spamming again and again with same bullshit we already know since years!!!

  • The Datasheet doesn't tell you if it works with Downmix or only pass through.

    So in case that DMM will ever support only passthrough, what will be next - will you request that DMM buys you a sound system or a new TV ???

    And the datasheet is useless, only original DMM product description counts - and there is NOTHING of what you request, which means there is NOT any reason for DMM to implement anything, NO matter how often and how clumsily you ask!

    Or would you like the folowing szenarion - for covering the extra development costs you have to buy for 100 EUR a new security chip which includes the additional license cost to run newer drivers which support AC+ ???

    Your colleques in your country would LOVE you if you caused such a situation with your repettitve questions :grinning_squinting_face:

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Lost in Translation ()

  • Ich sehe das anders, weil es nicht fair gegenüber DMM ist es so im Raum stehen zu lassen, vor allem wenn Vorwürfe falsch sind, oder halbe infos oder falsche zur Argumentation benutzt werden.

    Ich gehe davon aus das sich DMM des Problems bewuss ist, aber wenn ihnen ständig ein Hund ans Bein pinkelt habe ich auch kein Problem damit ihn an der Leine wegzuziehen weil das gehört sich nicht.

    Du kannst davon ausgehen das es DMM derzeit NICHT gut geht, also was soll das ganze Gejammere das nichts bring außer die Leute die wirklich was tun können zu verärgern ??? !!!!

  • This
    is not the forum for support and help ? , Seems the forum, of the 4
    children insulting :thumbs_down: :thumbs_down: , it seems incredible that DMM , allowing insulting
    people when you have to do is to provide solution to the problems , but
    when , it is proving it is possible to fix it. No
    posting, as does DMM , emails telling people not to worry , that before
    the end of this year , will give solution to the problems of dreambox
    8000hd .

    haceis not collect money , the dudes that insult , and DMM you help to
    solve the problems ? , So sure , you shall be better people in life.

    AC3 + SOUND SOLUTION TO , BY DMM , no more excuses please . Do
    not waste more time, in the end, what CUSTOMERS WILL be lost , they buy
    other cheaper brands , the market, if they give solution to problems. In
    Spain , France , and Italy , there are already criticizing DMM forums
    because they do not sound solution to ac3 + , believe this is a good
    image for you ? .

    P. D. The dudes who insult can be insulting themselves. DMM YA REAL SOLUTION PLEASE .

  • New arguments or stop repeating the old ones.

    ALL current DMM boxes now support what you request . BUY one and stopp crying!

    PS: If you contine I could start a Thread why my DM7025 has no HD support ands that it is DMM's responsibility to fix it until end of the year as HD channcel are now de-facto standard- OK ? Maybe I would make an idiot out of myself wehen doing this ? And it was also their flagship receiver when I bought it BTW!

  • Wenn er nett und freundlich an der richtigen Stelle gefragt hätte dann hätte er eh schon längst seine Antwort und könnte sich trollen, aber ich sage es ihm jetzt sicher nicht :face_with_tongue:

  • You call (your name) DMM? Then, all you have to do is shut, the only ones who should respond, are DMM, not with words but with solutions to problems in DMM 8000HD.

    To say nonsense, and insulting, there are other forums, forum called stupid, dumb kids and company, there can you insult all you want.

    :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:

  • Wenn er nett und freundlich an der richtigen Stelle gefragt hätte dann hätte er eh schon längst seine Antwort und könnte sich trollen, aber ich sage es ihm jetzt sicher nicht :face_with_tongue:

    Here, I asked things education, you are responding with insults.
    Are you a child? looks like a child, stupid, who does not like giving solutions.
    When you have a problem, I would like, to be told, all members and DMM, same thing. Sure you would, very happy.
    Can you tell me where I've missed respect to any User, you and others, make each post, to publish against me?

    I just hope DMM response. DMM, yet, has not given me a solution.

  • I hope and expect an answer and solution by the DMM, this is your forum truth, and helps support forum?, I see forum seems insulting children. It seems incredible that DMM, in addition to not give an answer or solution to the problem discussed, with DREAMBOX 8000HD, and ac3 +, above which allows children who insult, whether they are tarnishing their forum, and brand DMM.

    You can save, insults, I will not answer them, ONLY HOPE RESPONSE DMM. If not, I think the DMM name in all European forums, will be known as the MARK DMM, which never helps your buyers and users, and its reputation, stain, and people stop buying their product. .

    :thumbs_down: :thumbs_down: :kissing_face: :thumbs_down: :thumbs_down:

  • You simply don't get it, do you?

    DM8000 is simply not produced anymore. There may be some stock at the dealers places, but there is no more money to earn for DMM with DM8000.

    All box- types, that ARE still on the market got the update...

    IF DMM gives you a driver update for the DMM8000 then it is good will (as it costs money to DMM and does not bring money anymore)...

    And this is the last thing, I will say to all of this. And the "child" that repeats over and over again (stamping its food on the gorund), that it want's to have its candy (ahh ... drivers).. is...


  • Your insults are laughable and your behavior is childish, pathetic and annoying, spanishwaitsolution.
    You basically managed to eradicate any trace of compassion people might have felt towards you and your "situation" in the beginning.

    If you don't like the official answer DMM gave you, you are out of luck.
    Because asking the same question over and over again won't change the outcome.
    And as others have already suggested: the way to officially communicate with DMM is via their ticketing system.

    P.S.: Good luck communicating with the developers (That was a joke. Ha Ha. Fat Chance) of the cheapo knock-off brands you listed.

  • this forum is officially an information forum (as it states on the main page) and not a support forum. I think you're better off to buy one of those boxes you always claim that they support ac3+. But let's see how good the support will be there in a few years...


    Boxen (im Einsatz): DM920, DM900, DMOne
    Developer Project Merlin - we are OpenSource

  • Maybe I should tell you a simple fact in life - if you make somebody loose his temper, you make him loose his pants :smiling_face:

    I'm deeply sorry for playing this trick on you.

    But as I already said - the answer was already given by the Chief developer of DMM, but now nobody will tell you - especially not me :grinning_squinting_face: as I' patient and I excuse when I misbehave.