DreamOS development?

  • Hello people,

    I am a developer with a passion for satellite TV. Dreambox was always a state-of-the-art STB and i am proud owner of 5 different brands of dreamboxes and a total of 11 STBs.

    But unfortunately, i must express my disappointment. One year and no single update over the software of Dreamboxes.

    Also, every issue posted stays there for years with no movement. Come on guys that is not serious.

    One more time i want to ask you to make enigma2 opensource so developers like me to be able to continue the work you left off.

    Because currently it seems it's pretty dead!

    I know the Corona crisis and the market is not what it was but i don't really understand why you left it like this. :thumbs_down:

  • Well, those statements are unclear to me. Also, even if something happens in the next few months it seems unlikely to happen in OE2.5. Nor OE2.6 or newer to be released for DM920.

    So, it still seems like a dead man to me. I think that will kill most of the supporters that currently admire Dreambox :frowning_face:

    Honestly with that kind of support i will not going to buy Seven. Too bad.....

  • the manufacturer has already said that there is no further development for old models, only for the AMLogic models such as Dreambox one, will come in the future something new, from the manufacturer's point of view, this is all ok, they have to look forward.

    The company has also decided to offer nothing more for the opensource area, this is also ok, even if I do not quite understand the decision they earn not on the software but on selling devices, they could have created the audio interface for amlogic as an external lib with tpm protection, then many opensource images would now also be available for these amlogic models and the devices sold off would be even better.

  • Then opensource it! Currently there is no match in the matter of functionality of DM920. Seven is not even out. And One and Two a too stripped out.

    So "New hardware" is not correct for now (since Seven is not out). For the current hardware, no development from a year or two (even for Amlogic devices). That is not serious.

    The current software has its bugs and needs some improvement.

    Besides i had a statement from @Reichi that the current software is not abandoned. That was a year ago. Still is not serious!

    Thats why i think it is much better if they opensource their old software (OE2.5) so at least we to be able to use our boxes properly.

    I have spent thousands of Euros for those boxes and for what?! If they expect to buy Seven i probably not since they go nowhere on the matter of software support.

    the manufacturer has already said that there is no further development for old models, only for the AMLogic models such as Dreambox one, will come in the future something new, from the manufacturer's point of view, this is all ok, they have to look forward.

    The company has also decided to offer nothing more for the opensource area, this is also ok, even if I do not quite understand the decision they earn not on the software but on selling devices, they could have created the audio interface for amlogic as an external lib with tpm protection, then many opensource images would now also be available for these amlogic models and the devices sold off would be even better.

    I understand its manufacturer's decision. But it's still not right! In this way we must trash our current boxes and buy Seven? Why? I dont understand it :frowning_face:

    Edited 3 times, last by DimitarCC: Ein Beitrag von DimitarCC mit diesem Beitrag zusammengefügt. ().

  • babsy98 and DimitarCC

    Das einzige was Dream geschlossen hat ist der Core des e2 alles andere ist opensource ,man kann somit für die älteren Boxen immernoch Image bauen ,schöne Plugins erstellen uvm. aber man kann nicht im e2 Core rumpatchen und genau darum geht es dir DimitarCC wohl :winking_face: , daher erstellt doch schöne Sachen für die OE2.5 Software ,denn das ist alles opensource und erzählt nicht überall rum das Dream alles dicht gemacht hat und nicht mehr opensource anbietet ,das ist schlicht weg eine LÜGE die ihr verbreitet.

    Und Dream hat sich für neue Hardware (Amlogic ) entschieden und baut den e2 Core diesbezüglich um ,und das ist further development und da werden auch schöne Dinge kommen die mit dem alten e2 Kern so nicht gegangen wären ,nur das versteht ihr nicht und wollt nur altes Zeug ins e2 patchen und das auch noch für andere Boxenanbieter nutzen und genau da hat Dream einen Riegel vorgeschoben und das war völlig richtig.

  • I as an open source image maker, have already 3 years ago asked if the old hd close source parts can not be released, so that the old hardware can live on through the open source community, which was rejected, the sale of the new models certainly had more priority at that time. Why the DreamOS developers have such an aversion to the open source community I have never understood, we also promote the sale of their hardware and that is how they earn their keep, I myself have always been on the side of Dream

    but was always threatened and harassed by the hardcode PLugin developers who only support Dream, as if we are taking something away from them.

    I hope they survive the long time without new ones and don't go bankrupt, and the seven do manage to get into sales.

    DreamOS developers what they have done so far is remarkable and I look forward to future updates.

  • Yes it s all about E2 Core. In current one HBBTV doesn't work right and constantly freeze enigma. To fix that E2 Core must be fixed. Also there is no proper parental control implemented.

    Also i have never stated they have not do anything opensource. My point is that closed source E2 Core.

    If there is no support for the old one what's the problem to be open source?! You said new hardware and new software only for Amlogic. OK what about ARM what's the problem their part of E2 Core to be opensourced?

    Whatever! You said they took the right decision.... OK but its my right then to decide should i continue to use Dreambox or not. I suppose not.

    For me the support is not what it should be!

    So lets end this conversation. It goes nowhere. Good luck to everyone!

  • Was passiert wenn der e2 core offen ist hat man all die Jahre ja gesehen ,nur bedient aber nix zurückgegeben. :winking_face:

    Alles rein patchen bis e2 so vermurkst ist (aber man schreibt das doch dadurch alles besser wird :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: ) und dann auf alternative boxen spielen und diese dann billig verkaufen und der firma die e2 entwickelt hat damit auch noch schaden ,super Leistung von solchen großartigen ....

    Dream entwickelt e2 weiter und das auch für die Zukunft und das der e2 core zu gemacht wurde kamm sogar zu spät ,früher hätte es kommen müssen damit es mit den alternativ boxen mit e2 gar nicht so weit kommt.

    Und noch was ,den Gedanken von open source haben andere missbraucht nicht dream :winking_face: .

    Dream hat entwickelt und andere haben sich bedient und nix zu beigetragen ,jetzt wo man merkt das einiges nicht mehr geht und die Fälle davon schwimmen bettelt man das dream die Entwicklung von Jahren jetzt wieder frei gibt um sich an Arbeit anderer zu bedienen .

    Nur weil man dann dies oder jenes rein patchen möchte, das zeugt aber nicht von großen Programmierkenntnissen :winking_face:

    Edited 5 times, last by zombi: Ein Beitrag von zombi mit diesem Beitrag zusammengefügt. ().

  • It always can be some bad people that can mess up all the things.... If they dont want to opensource it - OK. But then support it! At least untill the new harware is out and goes stable on the market.

    Currently no support!!! Isnt it not normal? As a developer i also support my software for a limited time. Microsoft does this as well. But the support does not end before newer versions to be out!

    Even if new versions are out the support continues at least several years after that.

    So, in my opinion they not do it right!

  • @Zombie, that you write only nonsense is clear to you ?

    no one is asking for the dreamos core to be open or anything, it's just that some hardware features of dream still need to be tweaked or optimized where the info is just missing, the open source image uses a 100% different core should be clear, the porting we do even without dream, and what hardware the open osurce community supports can dream also not care. We are neutral and just build for everyone where we can, or as long as we can.

  • Friends, I don't want to get involved in your debate, but remember, for example, the DM8000. What were the bombastic declarations of support and expectations, what was her price and how "GLORIOUS" she ended up. At DM, only the hardware has changed since then, but the overall approach and their software is frozen in time. Also, they have the magical word (spell for everything) COVID.

  • zombi Es wird nicht glaubhafter wenn man jahrelang immer die selben Floskeln predigt ohne einen Gedanken daran zu verschwenden wo Dream heute Ohne die Community wär. Es ist ja auch so bequem die Fehler immer woanders zu suchen.

  • Klar hat dream auch Fehler gemacht nur steht es mir nicht zu einer Firma vorzuschreiben wie sie ihr Firma leiten sollten.

    Aber Heuchelei ,von wegen "gebt den e2 core frei und damit eure geleistete Arbeit" damit wir das einfach nehmen können ,hier und da was rein patchen und dann schreiben wie gut man doch ist ,nenne ich einfach lächerlich.

    open source schreien damit man sich an anderen breichern kann ,das ist nicht der Gedanke von open source.

    Wo sind denn die großartigen Neuerungen im alten oe (sei es dein geliebtes open ATV oder .... ) ,das ist dort viel ,viel besser ,er nicht :smiling_face:.

    Hauptsache man kann sagen ,schaut wir bauen auf py3 um damit den Usern vorgegaukelt wird das nur sie an neuem arbeiten ,was dann nicht mal wirklich Vorteile bringt wenn der Unterbau nicht dazu passt. :winking_face:

  • DimitarCC  What exactly is not working for you?

    DM920 does not show satellite and IPTV channels?

    I have a DM500S which is still working. :winking_face:

    Well yes the box is generally working. But what i can say without problems is working only the satellite part. IPTV is working so so. Channel loads have huge delay on start sometimes due to that it is used gstreamer which have no configuration options. Also sometimes channel even don't start because gstreamer give up waiting after a 1-2s (if the connection is a bit slow).

    HBBTV doesn't work properly in some cases. For example, on RTL2HD on 19.2E it doesn't load HBBTV and if by some coincidence it loads it immediately freezes enigma2.

    On other channels it loads HBBTV but its very very sluggish.

    In EPG information, the parental rating of the event is not given even if it is transmitted by the provider. Without this we can't really control what kids are watching and is it suitable for their age.

    Ofcource it have other bugs but the main problems are the mentioned above.

  • I have my doubts about new hardware or software.


    Isn't it strange that when I surf to http://www.dream-multimedia-tv.de, I end up on this site?

    My user id still works, so it is the original site, but only the board part has been saved, any pages that were related to new hardware announcements are gone.

    That leaves me with the feeling that they are just selling the old hardware stock.

    If they really were developing new hardware, why are those hardware announcement pages gone and only the board part is left?

    You would expect them to want to make publicity for their upcoming products.

    I wish for the Dreambox Se7en to still be released, and hope that I am wrong in my interpretation.

  • [...]Aber Heuchelei ,von wegen "gebt den e2 core frei und damit eure geleistete Arbeit" damit wir das einfach nehmen können[...]

    Nobody actually asked (at least in this thread) for open sourcing the E2 core. babsy98 just stated that even closed source access (through a lib) to an audio interface would help.

  • To be precise i have asked E2Core to be opensource because nobody do a support at the moment. I am fine to stay closed source but then they should support it at least for a several years ahead.