Is Amlogic or Broadcom better?

  • Providers are closing more and more features. Allmost always a closed STB or if you are lucky a CI+ module. They are throwing you back to the 70's. Watch one channel, no recording... In my opinion buying a big STB becomes more and more useless. 'Illegal' IPTV is out of the question here (yes, tried a testline once). Quality (if you can call it that) is terrible.. In my country all channels are scrambled. For unscrambled services there is still a possibility....

  • Only stonebox is better then all.

    regards pclin

    Dreambox ONE, TWO, DM920UHD, DM900UHD, DM820HD HDD + USB-HUB, Stick 64GB, USB-HDD, Keyboard K400r, Wlan-Stick 11n

    (Flash) DP-OE2.6 (BAXII) eigenes OE2.6, debian-buster, Diverse

    (Flash) DP-OE2.5 (BAXII) eigenes OE2.5-e2+kodi+X, debian-stretch, Diverse

    AudioDSP: miniDSP 2x4HD

    TV: LG OLED65BX9LB (PicCap)


    Hyperion (NG), Hyperion (Classic) mit Plugin HyperionControl auf der Dreambox ONE/TWO

    ESP32 mit WLED Wlan 263 LED's SK6812-NW 60 LED/m

    DM9x0 Plugin EnigmaLight, Hyperion (NG)

    Ambilight for ever