[SOLVED 99%] bug: reload services made mix from old and new services

  • had in lamedb stored 15.8E and decided change it to 16.0 by replace "009e" to "00a0"
    after execute `wget -O /dev/null -q` previous services which are in memory didnt disapear
    services list got bouth sat positions, 15.8 and 16.0 at same time
    and worse thing, none of them were posible then delete by option `remove selected satellite`
    had to use `killall -9 enigma2`

  • interesting then why reload comand is implemet when reload settings not posible
    think what you write " lamedb cannot be modified " - this means never load settings from another box or backup?!

    this bug can have connection to
    BUG: E2->Channellist->Channellist menu->remove selected sattellite

  • interesting then why reload comand is implemet when reload settings not posible
    think what you write " lamedb cannot be modified " - this means never load settings from another box or backup?!

    Absolutely correct you cannot load settings from another box without killing the enigma2 process.

  • most of external services editors also use this `reload` method which anywhere documented as "add/mix new services to current present in memory"

    No they do not, trust me I know what I'am talking about.
    If you issue a reload command only the userbouquets are reloaded, every lamedb modification is ignored as long as you do not restart the e2 process with a kill command.

    I know there is this command servicelistreload?mode=1 but it never ever worked like you expecting, it did never reload the lamedb, its just doing nothing.
    Also any modification of black- or whitelist is ignored if you do not restart E2 with a kill.

  • http://dream.reichholf.net/wik…ad_lamedb_or_Userbouquets

  • Yes that is what the webinterface is trying to do, but its not what E2 does.
    I didn't say that I like that behaviour, I talked several times to Ghost about that problem and maybe he will change it in the future dunno.

  • Reichi
    already or in next relises?

    i have reported about current experimental

    Devicename: 		dm8000
    Enigma Version: 	2012-02-10-3.2
    Image Version: 		****-unstable 2012-02-12
    Frontprozessor Version: V7
    Webinterface Version: 	1.7.1
  • Reichi
    THANKS for fix!
    can you share ipk packages with changes? nowdays period between new version of enigma2 comes public can be few months :frowning_face:
    before enigma2_experimental-git20120210 last were enigma2_experimental-git20111110

  • ok, have to wait another sunny day

  • add just that single line is not enough - mixing problem still here
    houpe didnt miss any step
    1. have add line self.eDVBDB.removeServices() to ../webif./.../.ServiceListReload.py
    2. restared box to generate new ServiceListReload.pyo
    3. saved as backup current settings
    4. changed every "00a0" to "009e" in the lamedb
    5. executed
    result is mixed services list of old and new settings
    6. after restart GUI compared saved and new lamedb where present bouth sat positions

    in other places where used .removeServices() it is always call with some parameters in brackets

    thanks for details!
    this is helpfull for my python_patcher.sh to solve case some of my friend use services downloader script on older image

  • still not fixed, same problem also with current e2+webif

    root@Dream8k_M3:~# opkg list-installed enigma2    
    enigma2 - experimental-git20120214-3.2.2-r0
    root@Dream8k_M3:~# opkg list-installed *webinterface*
    enigma2-plugin-extensions-webinterface - experimental-git20120216-r0

    for testing period comment out line `#self.eDVBDB.reloadServicelist()` - operation then spends 0 seconds on 11137 services
    i have also tryed enter different parameters in brackets, also without result

  • You don't need any parameters, self.eDVBDB.removeServices() should remove any service, but it seems its not working for now. Some of the Devs has to look into that issue.
    Its also not working with the WebBouquetEditor.