[SOLVED 99%] DVI(HDMI) can't handle most used aspectratio

  • Try to set a SD mode (like 576i) and aspect-ratio to "auto" in E2-Settings and activate 720p / 1080i in autoresolution-plugin, then you don't need to fix/change anything in Autoresolution plugin.

    So ... let AutoRes-Plugin handle the HD modes and E2 should get set to SD mode. Otherwise let someone fix/update the autores plugin to work together with the new aspect-ratio mode ...

    forget it, doesn't work. Someone has to fix autores plugin :winking_face: When autores plugin changes the mode, it also changes aspect-ratio settings ...
    Or it's from e2 that it sets 16:9 flag when HD mode is set ... but that makes sense because HD is always 16:9 !?!?

    Theorie ist, wenn man alles weiß, aber nichts funktioniert.
    Praxis ist, wenn alles funktioniert aber niemand weiß warum.

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Homey ()

  • somewhy this dosnt work with my naibhors dm500hd+Philips 40pfl5605h(2010 year model) ?!
    with my 2008 year 42pfl9703h + dm8k works!!!

    on 8k got positive case with autoresolution plugin:
    in A/V menu set default mode 576i and aspectratio automatic(any)
    and cofigured in Autoresolution HD Interlaced Mode=1080i

    and please make able to test 4:3 with 1080i, maybe its work also

  • But 1080i can't be 4:3, it's always 16:9 :confused_face: And it's not mentioned in the HDMI-Specs ... while your 4:3 Flag for 576i/480i can be found in the HDMI-Specs. Ghost did some research and you were right, it's okay to set this 4:3 flag there in some cases. But not for 1080i! 1080i is simply 16:9 ... 1920x1080 is widescreen and can't be 4:3 ...

    BTW: I have a Philips 47PFL-7403 ... what can I test to see if something works or not. I never really understood what you are doing here :face_with_rolling_eyes:

    Theorie ist, wenn man alles weiß, aber nichts funktioniert.
    Praxis ist, wenn alles funktioniert aber niemand weiß warum.

  • Homey
    you are suprising me about you dont know about features provided by your tv :smiling_face:
    Philips TVs has Autoformat picture mode(with two submodes AutoFill and AutoZoom) in this mode TV detects top/botomn blackbars by self and zooms out them automaticly
    but this Autoformat feature works only for 4:3 sources(which werent posible till this day)

    about 1080i 4:3 im asking just to able avoid HDMI reset which spends some time
    just for scalled 4:3 SD content

  • If my TV would so switch so fast between 576i and 1080i like yours I would probably try it. But I always output everything in 1080i and don't use autores plugin, so most of that auto-zoom stuff doesn't work for me. But I have a black screen for 2-3s when changing resolution on dreambox, and that simply suxx and is not an option for me to have black-outs when zapping around.

    But okay, I understand that point. But what I don't understand is why sending a 4:3 flag in HD mode to TV should help somehow !? Then my TV gets false information ... it receives a 16:9 - 1920x1080 / 1080i signal but with a 4:3 flag and then my TV should handle 16:9 signal as 4:3 !? Doesn't make sense for me !?

    Theorie ist, wenn man alles weiß, aber nichts funktioniert.
    Praxis ist, wenn alles funktioniert aber niemand weiß warum.

  • MartiniB

    I own also Philips 42PFL9703 , AutoZoom ist only available on SD-formats , NEVER on HD-formats , this is not a question of the 4:3-flag.
    Test this with your Bluray-Player.
    HD-formats are ALWAYS 16:9 (see HDTV-Specs).

    DM8000HD | DM7020HD | DM800HD | DM800HD | DM7020 | DM7000

  • 1. so strange, your tv based on same motherboard(Q591E) and firmware binary is exacly same

    2. it werent posible before cause any resolution came on DVI as 16:9

    3. that is the case why i would like test 4:3 on 1080i also when chances for succes are just 1%

    4. 4:3 aspectratio flag on 1080i signal must be set only when comes upscaled(in Just Scale mode) 4:3 SD
    look in next attached video how fast is zaping when only changing aspectratio and resolution isnt changed(576i), no necesary of reset HDMI

  • dieter2
    no!!! Autozoom definetly connected with 4:3 aspectratio cause before these drivers update Autozoom didnt work on any(576*;480*) DVI signal
    and btw Autozoom also doesnt work on SCART when 8th pin sends 12v(16:9 signal flag)

    when new changes able send 4:3 flag on 576i/p; 480i/p and Philips Autozoom now works, why dont make one more step for sure -
    to make all clear, WORKS or NOT 4:3 flag on 1080i
    yes by HD specs this looks crazy, but can be useful for SD content when it is sent in 1080i mode

  • The TV Stations send it still in 16:9 and put black areas on left/right. The black areas are part of the picture, so it is true 16:9, even when they put black areas on left/right. It might be very hard to detect and analyze the picture every x seconds and send that 4:3 flag only when you have black areas on left/right.

    I really don't think it will be possible ... because it is 16:9 content from the resolution and they just put black areas on left/right. It's not like SD Channels where they simply don't send any content there. The drivers can't detect it by resolution, because it's always a 16:9 resolution. What you are requesting now is that the drivers detect those black-areas in HD Content and then send a 4:3 Flag to TV, even if it's out of HDMI Specs and might cause problems on TV's when they receive wrong information ...

    Like you said, the chance for success is below 1% and it's not that easy to do like you think, because those black areas are really a part of the movie/picture, not like SD Content where they simply send smaller pictures with less pixels so the box can detect resolution ect.

    Theorie ist, wenn man alles weiß, aber nichts funktioniert.
    Praxis ist, wenn alles funktioniert aber niemand weiß warum.

  • hallo,

    lese schon die ganze Zeit mit aber irgendwie komm ich nicht ganz mit.

    Es geht wohl darum um die schwarzen Balken (rechts/links) bei den Privaten RTL-HD, ProSieben-HD usw. weg zu bekommen, versteh ich das richtig?

    Bei Sendungen in 16:9 HD mit schwarzen Balken (rechts/links):
    echo 4:3 > /proc/stb/video/aspect
    echo panscan > /proc/stb/video/policy2

    Bei Sendungen in 4:3 SD mit schwarzen Balken (oben/unten):
    echo panscan > /proc/stb/video/policy
    echo 16:10 > /proc/stb/video/aspect

    Mit etwas geschick kann man die Funktionen auf eine Taste legen und hin u. her schalten wie man möchte, nur für Sendungen in 16:9 SD mit schwarzen Balken (oben/unten) hab ich keine lösung.


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von pupert ()

  • ja/yes

    But it will not work on same way like with 4:3 SD content because those black areas are part of the picture ...

    Theorie ist, wenn man alles weiß, aber nichts funktioniert.
    Praxis ist, wenn alles funktioniert aber niemand weiß warum.

  • Bei Sendungen in 16:9 HD mit schwarzen Balken (rechts/links):
    echo 4:3 > /proc/stb/video/aspect
    echo panscan > /proc/stb/video/policy2

    Bei Sendungen in 4:3 SD mit schwarzen Balken (oben/unten):
    echo panscan > /proc/stb/video/policy
    echo 16:10 > /proc/stb/video/aspect

    wie oben schon gesagt, für 16:9 SD mit balken (oben/unten) hab ich keine lösung.


  • Homey, pupert
    im not talking about cuting 4:3 part from 16:9 source, this is another story

    the tread is about ability send received 576x720 4:3 signals over DVI also in 4:3 aspect ratio
    by new driver problem is almoust solved - 4:3 is able on modes 576*;480*
    but this requere usage of plugin autoresolution which little anoied cause make reset on DVI

    "if 4:3 is posible on mode 1080i" then main A/V mode can be set 1080i, all 16:9 content sent as before,
    but 4:3 scaled to 1920x1080(same as Just Scale mode) but acpectratio flag changed to 4:3
    then anoing resolution change maibe wont be requered on any format change and zaping channels will be same fast as in clip Untitled3.MPG