how to get PMT(Program map table)

  • I am simply using dvbsnoop-1.4.50
    i have to analyze a stream that is on the PC
    and extract the Program map table (PMT).
    I can just use this commande write now :

    dvbsnoop -if MPEGIO_MPEG2_176X144_Video1024Kbps.mpg -n 1 -nph 0x010> /home/sami/out.txt


    dvbsnoop V1.4.50 --

    SECT-Packet: 00000001 PID: 16 (0x0010), Length: 4 (0x0004)
    from file: MPEGIO_MPEG2_176X144_Video1024Kbps.mpg
    PID: 16 (0x0010) [= assigned for: DVB Network Information Table (NIT), Stuffing Table (ST)]

    Guess table from table id...
    Table_ID: 0 (0x00) [= Program Association Table (PAT)]
    section_syntax_indicator: 0 (0x00)
    (fixed): 0 (0x00)
    reserved_1: 0 (0x00)
    Section_length: 1 (0x0001)
    Transport_Stream_ID: 47616 (0xba00)
    reserved_2: 0 (0x00)
    Version_number: 0 (0x00)
    current_next_indicator: 0 (0x00) [= valid next]
    Section_number: 0 (0x00)
    Last_Section_number: 0 (0x00)

    CRC: 0 (0x00000000)

    no box used

    My questions are :

    1- How can i get the PMT from the stream

    2- How can i get access to à specific stream 0x52 in that pmt

    all documentation, site refference, or advise are welcome

    :grinning_squinting_face: Gys i realy need answers it is a life or death matter

    thank you

    he baba

  • Even enigma1 will not write a /tmp/pmt.tmp without a special patch to support an outdated program, which we will not discuss here. So you can patch enigma2 in the same way.
    (But hey, everything you need is in camd.socket - and there are lots of programs which will dump the content of camd.socket to a file)

    You can acces a special stream inside a TS file with dvbsnoop - you dont need the pmt for that. The pmt is only a description, which streams inside the ts stream belongs to the service. So if you already know the stream-id (0x52) - you should be able to extract this stream whith dvbsnoop (something like dvbsnoop -if MPEGIO_MPEG2_176X144_Video1024Kbps.mpg 82 should do the trick)