bug fixes/features request dm500

  • i have reported some things on Gemini board, but propably it can be Enigma's problem

    sorry for my english

    Receivers: dm920sstsst; dm900sst; dm8000sstt <-Diseq1x4(1.0)<-3x Diseq1x10(1.1)<-
    1.8m + 42E;36E;28E;23E;19E;16E
    1.6m + 13E;10/9E;5E;1W;8W
    1.6m + 75E;85E
    1.1m + 53/55E;60E
    1.1m + 12W;18W;24W
    1.0m + 15W;22W;30W
    1.0m + 7E;4/5W
    TVs: Philips 46pfl9707s; Philips 42pfl9703h

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von MartiniB ()

  • Zitat

    Original von MartiniB
    8.c.(feat) on slow i-net too long time take waiting after each click on WebIF->RemoteControl
    _ maybe there is posible refresh only osdshot.png and dont dowload each time rc_big.jpg
    sorry for my english

    put this line in your config and you won't see the osd-shot anymore.





  • RE2: 8.c.(feat)
    thanks, but that not exactly what im talking about
    im askinh about optimisation on <title>Remote Control</title> page
    there isnt nesecary download after each click picture src="rc_big.jpg"
    on local network you cant see that but troug net it waste time

  • please add simlink /share/locale>lv to /var/share/locale>lv

    on dm500 i cant do it
    ~ > ln -s /var/share/locale/lv /share/locale/lv
    ln: /share/locale/lv: Read-only file system

  • one more request which wont be heard

    11.(feat/bug) before run auto scan will be usefull do some veryfication does caught transponder is from right satelite
    (does any chanel id still presented in services or by some other unique info from transponder)

    time at time i have in folder 36E(Uncommited Input 3) automaticly added channels from some transponder on 19E(Input 1)
    that happen sometime once at two monts but sometime twice a week
    from i have removed African transponders on position="360" from satellites.xml situation is better but anyway time at time shit hapen

    also i cant understand why in this case no more awaylable channels which are stored before

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.superfm.lv/m/LNBs/SateliteConfiguration__.png]
    [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.superfm.lv/m/LNBs/SateliteConfiguration_LNB0%20(all%20unused).png]
    [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.superfm.lv/m/LNBs/SateliteConfiguration_LNB1%20(19E).png]
    [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.superfm.lv/m/LNBs/SateliteConfiguration_LNB5%20(5E).png]
    [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.superfm.lv/m/LNBs/Diseqc1x10.jpeg]

    my roof:
    [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.superfm.lv/m/LNBs/sat_mrt_home_060425_2short.jpg]
    [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.superfm.lv/m/LNBs/sat_mrt_home_060425_3short.jpg]

  • 13.(bug) enigma crashes on call http://DreamIP/cgi-bin/status from web-if when opened Transponder scan menu

    Receivers: dm920sstsst; dm900sst; dm8000sstt <-Diseq1x4(1.0)<-3x Diseq1x10(1.1)<-
    1.8m + 42E;36E;28E;23E;19E;16E
    1.6m + 13E;10/9E;5E;1W;8W
    1.6m + 75E;85E
    1.1m + 53/55E;60E
    1.1m + 12W;18W;24W
    1.0m + 15W;22W;30W
    1.0m + 7E;4/5W
    TVs: Philips 46pfl9707s; Philips 42pfl9703h

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von MartiniB ()

  • 14. can someone increase dealay time of message 'Can't decode'
    _ it comes on each zap on dm7020, but on dm500 it gone only after first zap to one FTA channel
    _ (cards are local and i haven't problems with decoding signal, just that message bugging a lot :))

    15. as you know RC of smal boxes havent some buttons and in this case
    _ some operations arent posible(also using shift isnt so useful on big RC),
    _ there is my vision about optimise using dream in File Play mode:

    red(single) - backward(as it is now)
    red(double) - jump back to last marker or begin of file
    red(keep in touch) - dialog how many minutes(as it is now) + list of posible points from markers list
    green(single) - Play(as it is now)
    green(double) - call new 'File Play menu'
    yelow(single) - Pause(as it is now)
    blue(single) - forward(as it is now)
    blue(double) - jump forward to next marker or end of file
    blue(keep in touch) - dialog how many minutes(as it is now) + list of posible points from markers list

    and there is list of operations which can be call from [File Play menu]
    (0) record(on/off) that line is needed only for first small/black rc of dm500 which haven Radio/TV buttons
    (1) new marker(in point when menu were called)
    (2) new marker(current position)
    (3) delete previous marker
    (...) maybe some edit functions there can come

  • Thought I'd add this here, might be useful.

    If you want to scroll left and right through different bouquets without having to press 0 or GO UP, do the following...

    copy /share/tuxbox/enigma/resources/rcdm5xxx.xml
    to /var/tuxbox/config/enigma/resources/rcdm5xxx.xml

    then edit rcdm5xxx.xml and change...
    <actionmap name="serviceSelector">
    <action name="nextBouquet" key="bouqup" flags="mr" />
    <action name="prevBouquet" key="bouqdown" flags="mr" />


    <actionmap name="serviceSelector">
    <action name="nextBouquet" key="next" flags="mr" />
    <action name="prevBouquet" key="prev" flags="mr" />
    <action name="pathUp" key="0" flags="m" />

    You can then use the arrow keys next to the "0" key to flick through different bouquets. :smiling_face:

  • 16.(bug) Timer recording doesnt start if before event you are on some channel which sends wrong time.
    _ (it zap to tmed channel, but after nothing happens)

    17.a.(feat) please do able store transponders on which time syncronisation isnt acepted.

    17.b.(feat) time synchronisation from pc (with checkbox 'only from pc')