Hello, I have a Dreambox 920 uhd 4k but it does not see my FBC tuner, I tried to change several images but without any result, it does not see my tuner A or B. What problems can it have, can it be revived or e to give in change. Thank you in advance
Dreambox 920 uhd 4k non funziona
you could reseat (unplug and then plug it in again) the tuner.
if that doesn't fix it, it's probably broken.
Take Out the Tuner
Clean the Plugin Pins
Put it Back in the Dreambox
If you Still dont see the Tuner you can Try to Change it with another one if you have one by Hand
If your Box Still dont Find the Tuner ( You Can put an USB Tuner Inside)
Image ?
Sounds like Open Image
Hello, I have a Dreambox 920 uhd 4k but it does not see my FBC tuner, I tried to change several images but without any result, it does not see my tuner A or B. What problems can it have, can it be revived or e to give in change. Thank you in advance
Laden Sie hier das 2.5-Unstable-Image herunter
2.0-Image: Öffnen Sie das Image nicht
Das Problem ist ein 2.0-Image-Treiberfehler in fbc 45208 oder 45308
2.0 Bild Bild öffnen 1 Tuner läuft fbc 45208 oder 45308
Download the 2.5 unstable image here
2.0 image do not install open image
The problem is 2.0 image driver error in fbc 45208 or 45308
2.0 image open image 1 tuner runs fbc 45208 or 45308
2.5 unstable olan buradaki imajı yükleyin
2.0 imaj open imaj yüklemeyin
sorun fbc 45208 veya 45308 deki 2.0 imaj sürücü hatası
2.0 imaj open imaj 1 adet tüner fbc 45208 veya 45308 çalıştırır
Problema e nel DREAMBOX 920UHD sono montati gli A=Si2166D, B=BCM45308X in modo che tu possa vedere il sistema, vorrei installarlo con attenzione, non lo consiglierei mai
Problema e nel DREAMBOX 920UHD sono montati gli A=Si2166D, B=BCM45308X in modo che tu possa vedere il sistema, vorrei installarlo con attenzione, non lo consiglierei mai
If you had given this picture in time
It became clear what the problem was
How did you make this device like this?
write it down
How did you destroy the drivers?
This incident doesn't happen for nothing.
They won't deliver you a brand new machine like this
The information you provided is not complete
Hätten Sie dieses Bild rechtzeitig gegeben
Es wurde klar, was das Problem war
Wie haben Sie dieses Gerät so gemacht?
Schreib es auf
Wie haben Sie die Treiber zerstört?
Dieser Vorfall passiert nicht umsonst.
Sie werden Ihnen keine brandneue Maschine wie diese liefern
Die von Ihnen bereitgestellten Informationen sind unvollständig
zamanında bu resmi verseydiniz
sorunun ne olduğu anlaşılırdı
siz bu cihazı nasıl bu hale getirdiniz
onu yazın
sürücüleri nasıl yok ettiniz
bu olay durduk yere olmaz
size bu şekilde bir sıfır makine teslim etmezler
verdiğiniz bilgiler tam değil
Per favore, puoi aiutarmi, ho la mia Dreambox e deve essere buttata via. Non so come sia arrivato a questa situazione, non l'ho fatto io, se sapessi come è successo te lo direi
Per favore, puoi aiutarmi, ho la mia Dreambox e deve essere buttata via. Non so come sia arrivato a questa situazione, non l'ho fatto io, se sapessi come è successo te lo direi
Post a picture of the back and front of your satellite device.
reset the machine to factory setting
Enter d.c.c 2.20 into the software and delete the data.
Get the latest software from the site I gave you.
Pay attention to the tuner installation of the machine
no roosts
uydu cihazın arka front resmini atın
makineyi fabrika ayarına çevirin
yazılım içine d.c.c 2.20 ile grin data içini silin
son yazılımını verdiğim siteden atın
o makinenin tüner montajına dikkat
tünerler yok
Pubblica una foto del retro e della parte anteriore del tuo dispositivo satellitare. Sono allegate
maybe the power supply is weak for whatever reason... you could try another one.
beide Tuner ausbauen. Und dann einzeln in beiden Slots testen.
I tried all the ways you advised me but unfortunately zero results, with DCC 2.20 I can't change another image. Maybe I'm not doing something right, guide me step by step, I'm not an expert. Thank you very much
I see 2 tuners installed in your device.
Leave the tuner in slot A plugged into the device, remove the tuner in slot B and
leaving only one tuner on the device
Can you try restarting the device?
please google your self, How to flash a Dreambox
DCC is the wrong way !
Thank you very much for the advice but unfortunately zero results, below I attach a photo so you can see what procedures I undertook
Can you test with flash the last unstable image ?
I tried but nothing changed
Have you a third tuner from other dreambox to test?
Or can you test these two tuners in an other dreambox?
Perhaps both tuners are broken or the tuner-slots of the 920 are broken ???
This is also the problem that I don't have another Dreambox or replacement tuners to test and I don't know anyone who does. I would still like to find out the cause that brought Dreambox 920 to where it is now. Could it be that another software for another model was introduced? If I knew the reason, I wouldn't ask here on the forum