spec. on dm7080? true or? only shows 1gb flash,when it should be 4gb

  • Hi
    I just got my wonderfull dm7080, its getting better and better.

    but I am confused.

    on dream-multimedia.de it says the box got 2 gb ram ,and 4 gb flash

    but when I press info in menu on dreambox, it says 1 gb flash, 636mb aviable ?
    and somewere else I saw 1 gb ram.

    What is true? and why it shows only 1gb ram and 1 gb flash, when dream-multimedia says 2 gb ram, and 4 gb flash?

    the big flash and ram, is part why I did buy dm7080 over the vu+2duo

    plz help me

    thx in advance


    DM8000hd , DM800hd , DM7080

  • I want it for plugins
    and later picons when they are made for dm7080

    thought it would be better one complete.

    but did not know it was not mounted, but still there.
    I am soon home, then I will see if I can find it

    DM8000hd , DM800hd , DM7080

  • Picons are available for dm7080. There was nothing to change. But even with picons and plugins you might not be able to use all the available memory. Still, you can mount it. :winking_face:


    Boxen (im Einsatz): DM920, DM900, DMOne
    Developer Project Merlin - we are OpenSource

  • You can try DarkShadow Plugin, it allows you to use the 2.7GB recovery partition also for a copy of the root filesystem which is even bootable by the Plugin.

    But it is a performance question, every extra inode produces overhead when the root filesystem is mounted, and tests have shown that 1GB ist more or less the optimal size where you get enough inodes even to hold thousands of picons and 2 images (usefull for the way dBackup flashes) and give minimal mount time and sufficient free space.

    DMM simply uses the rest as recovery partition, like lots of PCs have hidden partitions for operating sstem recovery or backup.

    The rest of the memory is given by the kernel to the Video chip, all these nice transcodings, graphics animations,... are memory hungry. And the DreamOS is not even using the Memory left, so don't worry the total memory is in good hands.

    Here in a running DarkShadow installation (otherwise /data is almost empty as only a recivery image is there):

    root@dm7080:~# mkdir /data
    root@dm7080:~# mount -t ext4 /dev/mmcblk0p2 /data
    root@dm7080:~# df -h
    Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
    /dev/root 937.0M 348.1M 541.4M 39% /
    /dev/mmcblk0p2 2.6G 435.0M 2.1G 17% /data

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