Teletext subtitles

  • Dear Enigma2 developers,
    please fix teletext subtitle problem. Because of bad vertical alignment multi-line subtitles cover the area of almost half of the screen:

    If it's too hard to fix the subtitle vertical-alignment, I guess just removing the linebreaks from ttx-subtitles (or replacing them with a whitespace if needed) would be a good start, because line wrapping seems to work OK:

    And be aware that in some cases ttx-subtitles can contain three or more lines!

    Please don't ignore thousands of international users, who use ttx-subtitles daily, we've suffered enough for a long time already :smiling_face:
    Otherwise, thanks for your time and for the work you do!

  • I support this subtitle fix request, as with new OE 1.6 old subtitle plugins such as 2Sub are not working anymore. There have been rumours that 2Sub author Gruffy will not update it to work with OE 1.6. Maybe it would be possible to incorporate 2Sub functionality into CVS?

    The vertical alignment issue seems to happen in case there is a dialog going on, then the sentence of first person is aligned in the middle on the screen and the answer by second person is aligned to the bottom of screen, as visible on the images above. I have seen this weird alignment also on BBC channels, in case on scrolling subtitles, please see below:

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von tiirp ()

  • One vote more.

    Please fix the subtitles as well as the automatic selection of subtitle and sound language.

  • Feeling the pain here too a nordik user with both cd/via packages on my DM8000

    Please fix it

    DM 8000 SScc ,DM 7025-cc, DM 7000-s DM 500-s,t,c

  • Both 2SUB and 2LANG will be released for OE 1.6 images as soon as we are done. In meanwhile I recommend you to use a OE 1.5 based image if teletext subtitle is important since being on bleeding edge like OE 1.6 has it drawbacks.

  • I preferred an open source solution - the currently built in. Not the closed code, like 2SUB/2LANG.
    Only the automatic selection still missing:
    - subtitle by language and the teletex type
    - audio language and the type

    1. finish/DVB-subtitle
    2. finish/teletext-subtitle

    1. finish/MPEG
    2. finish/AC-3
    3. english
    4. original
