Beiträge von Matrix10

    Why does DMM not look at Openpli and copy what they did....???

    We have a good response from the DMM and CO

    Can you ask Pli and Milo to help solve this old problem.



    Just convince the Pli-guys to send their stuff as patches to the development mailing list and somebody will have a look at it.


    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam?

    I know it is tedious to read always the same,
    not only to you from DMM but also to us the forum administrators
    and teams that make alternative images with CVS base.

    We have ask several times (couple of years) to look at this problem
    There is more or less usable solution ,[Moderator] Image is in violation of the Boardrules [/Moderator]

    It would be nice to implement this in CVS
    or to give an answer why can not be implemented,

    So that we can provide this information to DMM customers
    and users of our images.

    Thanks agn


    Thanks ,

    I wrote about bug in DM800 my previous post


    After two or more movies
    green screen with no crash log
    Remote does not work
    and reboot is only possible via telnet
    or you have green screen with only audio.

    Last time i have test with OE 1.6 DM800 image from 11.06.2010 .

    I have make short test also with DM500HD and is OK I think.

    Rgd MX

    Im not sure ,

    Is this the answer to my question about MYTube not working on DM800 ??

    I do not want change again image in flash if the problem is not resolved.

    Last time i have test on DM500HD and after short test

    it seems that on DM500HD is OK.


    rgd MX


    i have tried it a few minutes ago and here all is working okay. No Problem.


    Many thanks for your reply
    I was hoping that you will read my post
    I have tested today on the DM800 but not yet on the last image
    I will make a re-test
    What happens
    After two or more movies
    green screen with no crash log
    Remote does not work
    and reboot is only possible via telnet
    or you have green screen with only audio.
    But I will make agn image flash and test.
    I'll make my new report to the new test.

    I will take this opportunity to friendly ask you
    When you can found the time to look this problems related to TXT subtitles
    You probably have seen posts related to this issue.
    This all is not for me personally but for our users.
    Once again, thank you much for your reply
    with great respect for your excellent work on the dreambox

    Best Regards


    I have installed agn experimental OE 1.6 DM800 image from 11.06.2010
    but still we have the same situation.
    After watching a few video clips, green screen
    without a crash log, and no response to remote.


    MYTube not working good also not on DM8000

    we have reports on forums from other users.

    Just deleted the other Thread you opened.
    Why do you think it helps to post the same problem all over the Board.

    The only thing that happens, you're pissing off the mod's who have to delete that stuff.

    I'm sorry ,I understand because I'm also admin
    But I feel the same when I write something and no one answered.

    I hope that we together,can test and solve problems
    more efficiently.

    Im sorry agn.

    Regards MX

    Ok thanks,

    It would be very bad if we lose such an important and a good plugin,
    but this plugin stops working after last updates
    I think Ghost and co know what the CVS have changed
    that the plugin no longer works.

    Hopefully someone can make a fix.

    Thanks agn

    Regards MX

    For info

    I have test RC silver and black with new dvb modules

    and I can say I'm not at all happy with the work of the same.

    I think now you have extend time to the pressure on the button

    for short and long pressure ,to compensate the problem with

    longbutton press.

    Of course this solution have reduced sensitivity to remote control

    and have reduce the speed and sensitivity of DM500HD on the RC commands.

    Of course this solution is not good for a remote for a longer period
    shorter life.

    Especially bad is reaction of the receiver on a short press of a button

    with silver remote and old drivers this working perfect with old drivers.

    I hope I'm wrong but in my tests, it is the result.


    First of all thanks for your brilliant work on the Dreambox images.

    But at the same Place criticism not only on you
    that reported bugs do not get even the most basic response,

    So that we know that you and other working on these bugs.

    This bug with Symbolrate is reported already on the forums.
    we have no respons on DreamUP problems with DM500HD
    (is this hard of soft problem??)
    we have no respons on bad working remote (black one) DM500HD

    we have no respons on not working vent in Standby DM500HD
    (Do you know who will be the result on the cards
    when the temperature rises in southern Europe to 40C)

    we have no respons on not working HDD temp OE 1.6

    So we want to help to report these problems but we want to have some response to the same.

    with friendly greetings


    I want to put the question of fan and cooling box
    in standby mode again at the top.
    We already have users with the overheated and broken cards
    among other things probably because of this heat.
    I think that the situation in the summer months will be even worse.

    The discussion if that happened due to temparature or not
    is contra productive because of the fact that the internal temperature does not contribute
    to colder cards.