Enigma 2 - Bugreports

Möglichst nur echte Bugs melden, wenn andere Fehlerquellen vorher ausgeschlossen wurden.

        • [gelöst]
    1. Dreambox Changelogs 43

      • Reichi
    2. Replies
    3. Guybrush2012


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Recent Activities

  • Max11

    Replied to the thread The fate of old devices.
    I would not prefer the new administration to release an open source version of DreamOS.
    It will be tampered with by some amateur developers and the image will become unusable.
    Look at the images of OpenATV, OpenPLI,... When installed on Dreambox devices,…
  • makaveli

    Replied to the thread The fate of old devices.
    Warum sollte es wichtig sein dass es open source ist ?


    Hast aber früher viel hier viel im closed source Bereich gebastelt mit deinen "Tools", die ja teilweise nicht mal dein Code waren :face_with_tongue:
    Andere haben es längst bewiesen, dass man auch mit closed Source…
  • stonebox

    Replied to the thread The fate of old devices.
    The only obvious solution is to make a device with average specifications.
    And most importantly, open source.
  • scratchy

    Replied to the thread The fate of old devices.
    Hast du getrunken oder hat nur dein Übersetzer versagt? :neutral_face:
  • vyperX

    Replied to the thread The fate of old devices.

    If you're unhappy, don't use it. You can leave the forum. We don't need your silly explanations. Anyone who's unhappy can make us happy by saying goodbye. It's simple


    And you, who were so eager for Dreambox to fail and shut down, constantly…