• Fantastic, thank you.

  • Hmm,hab den eintrag,nen paar mal versucht ans ende meiner lamedb zu packen.
    Der sender ITV HD ist aber nicht zu finden(in der "All" liste),nach nem restart,service reload,oder nem gestarteten suchlauf ist der eintrag,dann auch wieder verschwunden...
    Tried several time to add the posted entry at the and of my lamedb,but ITV HD doesn't appear(in the "All" list).
    Also when I perform a restart,service reload or a manual scan,the entry disappears again...

  • After making the changes a normal restart is no good as the changes will be lost, you must either restart E2 or disconnect the power from the box.

    also the above settings is only good for the newer satellites.xml which lists Astra2 as 28.4 degrees, my satellites.xml is older so still uses 28.2 so I had to change the 011c0000 to 011a0000.

  • Thanks mate,got it working now,by changing the c into an a and just unpluging the power afterwards.
    Anyway,from my previous tries I now have the 28.4E entry in the GUI under "satellites" eventhough I don't have that entry in the lamedb anymore.
    I also can't even delete it via GUI.
    Well guess I have to live with it,till I flash the box again.
    Weird tho,as that entry should be nowhere (in a file) anymore,but it still won't disappear from the GUI.

  • @TDA

    Versuch doch mal in die Tuner-Config zu gehen und irgendwas zu ändern um ein speichern zu provozieren.

    Bei mir wurden nach dem entfernen von einigen Sat-Positionen auch die Einträge der jeweiligen Satelliten nach Rückfrage gelöscht.



  • Dank dir,aber hab ich schon probiert.
    Hatte sogar auf "nothing connected" geschaltet.
    Alle sat einträge wurden entfernt,der 28.4er blieb.
    Schon komisch,frag mich echt wie der noch in der GUI gehalten wird.
    Naja,denke/hoffe das er nach dem nächsten flashen,dann wieder weg ist...stört zwar nicht weiter,aber ich hasse so unnütze einträge...ist mir halt zu unsauber.:D

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von [TDA] ()

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by [TDA]
    Anyway,from my previous tries I now have the 28.4E entry in the GUI under "satellites" eventhough I don't have that entry in the lamedb anymore.
    I also can't even delete it via GUI.

    Exactly same problem here but worse, I have 28.4 and 28.5 also which also can't be deleted.

  • da muß man erst mal drauf kommen das der 011a0000 28,2°E ist den 28,4°E hab ich nich drinn kein wunder das ich es nich sehen kann nu geht es THX für die info

    Und nach eintragen einfach strom ausschalten hilft da ist der eintrag noch da :grinning_squinting_face:

    wird auch anders eingetragen wie im bild zu sehen

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by bingbill

    Exactly same problem here but worse, I have 28.4 and 28.5 also which also can't be deleted.

    Found a solution.:)
    Just load your settings with a Settings editor(I used Dreamset 2.16,dunno if others work) and write them back to your box and let it hill enigma2.
    Now the additional,useless satellites will be gone.
    Now take the the new lamedb(that was edited by Dreamset) from your box and delete the ITV HD entry that Dreamset made,cause it won't work like this(only black picture).
    Now just add the ITV HD entry,this time with an "a" of course(by the way, thanks alot again for that hint),put the lamedb back to the box,unplug the power and ITV HD is there and the useless satellite entries are gone.:)

    Ps.Anyway you will have the problem,after using Dreamset,that all HD channels will have black picture when you zap on them,but this only happens on the first zap and will be fine from the second zap on.

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von [TDA] ()

  • Please follow the steps:
    - make sure you scan the transponder with ITV HD channel
    - open /etc/enigma2/lamedb and search for a line that contains only "10510" text (this is the name broadcasted for ITV HD)
    - delete 3 lines (one before that line, the "10510" line and the line after it) and replace with the text at the posted by me previously in this thread
    - execute "killall -9 enigma2" from telnet session right after you save labedb
    After enigma is started you should get the ITV HD channel. This should work in any diseqc config as long as the transponder is scanned before the change in lamedb.


  • Great stuff that ITV works - does the freesat EPG work as well? Can you see more than just what's on now and next in the EPG?


  • hi all, and thanks for sharing this info.

    is this trick working with a single satellite? i have a single satellite configuration (no diseqc) and the newnigma2 firmware.
    everytime i change the lamedb and restart the dm all the channels are gone.

    is this normal?

  • Another tip from me, you may of noticed that when you have edited your channel list with openDBedit etc, that the last line for ITV HD is altered in lamedb so the channel no longer works and you have to manually re-edit again.


    enter the last line in this re-arranged order and the settings won't be lost when saving with a channel editor.


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von bingbill ()

  • es könnte ja einfach jemand privat ein entsprechendes Plugin für die Dreamboxen entwickeln.... Wenn Murdoch will kann er dann gegen den vorgehen (sofern er übehraupt rausfindet um wen es sich da handelt)....

    Wenn das wirklich xml ist sollte das lesen der Daten ja kein großer Akt sein (wenn man mal weiß wie man an sie rankommt).


    warum integriert ihr nicht einfach in die manuelle suche die möglichkeit der eingabe der pids (wie bei enigma 1) ? dann würden alle betreffenden diesen sender finden und das wär's dann. ob da dann der shit epg angezeigt wird, ist doch dritt- oder viertrangig. wichtig wäre erst mal, dass die 1000 euro box diesen sender finden kann! :smiling_face_with_sunglasses: