How to unpack a .nfi image file

  • Is it possible to unpack a .nfi image file on an ordinary Linux system? I would like to be able to browse the files in the image without having to install the image on my Dreambox.

    What kind of format is this .nfi file? What is the internal structure?

    Regards, Frits

  • Hi,
    with images for the 7000 it worked for me with mounting the file with the loop option. I tried this only on the Dreambox itself so I am not shure if it also works on a normal PC.


    -- Die Lücke die ich hinterlasse ersetzt mich vollständig --

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Kat-CeDe ()

  • somewhere in this or in the old forum were some tools nfi2cf and nfiextract (or jffs2 unpacker - dont remember excactly). it could be easily compiled and used to unpack .nfi on a linux system. i compiled it with cygwin for windows and it worked fine to unpack images on windows xp.

    2x 7025

  • That worked fine. However, I discovered that when I unpack the latest DM7025 2.3 release from 27-9-2007 I get a root filesystem containing a file squashfs and a directory delta. How do I unpack this squashfs?

    Does using a squashfs also mean that most of the files in this image are read-only, making patches more difficult?

    Regards, Frits

  • I am actually looking for tooling to unpack it under Cygwin (or i386 Linux). I found a unsquash.c , but I am not able to compile it and get it working under Cygwin.

    Regards, Frits

    4 Mal editiert, zuletzt von fwiarda ()

  • you probably won't even need to unpack it - If you have loop device and the squashfs filesystem built into in your kernel then you should be able to mount the squashfs file too !