to convert *.ipk plugin to *.deb plugin

  • Hello.
    We have many plugin in *.ipk , and we can not find some ipk plugin for *.deb versiyon. For example RUYA plugin in iptv. How we can convert this plugin to deb version ?

    Dreambox 7080HD / Dreambox 8000HD / Dreambox 600 / Dreambox 500

  • Thanks

    I will try to install OozooN image. If I install plugin , can I use all ipk plugin ?

    Dreambox 7080HD / Dreambox 8000HD / Dreambox 600 / Dreambox 500

  • First you don't need an OoZooN Image to use it (it works in all OE 2.2 images) and second it is only a simply re-packaging shellscript to convert an
    .ipk to an *.deb an install it AS-IT-IS.

    It does not ANY adjustment of the plugins code (which is likely to be needed). So instead of manually unpacking and adapting the plugin you get it installed as deb and then you need to adapt and maybe create a corrected *.deb.

    On the other hand for simple plugins which only contain things which work unchanged in OE 2.2 it is a nice way to quickly get a *.deb file out of an ipk.

  • Thak you very much for ypur help but I couldnt do it

    -I put opkg-isntall_0.2_mipsel.db file into tmp
    -telnet ; root@dm7080: dpkg –i /tmp/*.deb
    -I have errors

    Dreambox 7080HD / Dreambox 8000HD / Dreambox 600 / Dreambox 500

  • as you are not posting any errors and are not asking where you got it from there is no help possible either.

  • Hello.

    1-I use Cute Ftp ; 2-I made opkg-install file CHMOD 755 mod ; 3- dkpg -i /tmp/*.deb ; 4- I put my RUYA ipk file into tmp

    3.Step: dkpg -i /tmp/*.deb

    Dreambox 7080HD / Dreambox 8000HD / Dreambox 600 / Dreambox 500

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von nasresrf ()

  • I can read the error message. I dont know Which Package tar should I install ?
    Because of this I ask the questions

    Dreambox 7080HD / Dreambox 8000HD / Dreambox 600 / Dreambox 500

  • if you do not READ the Thread where you got the *.deb from - it directly points to the tar*.deb in the same section of the same board.

    And then you maybe would even know that the command is opkg-install :face_with_rolling_eyes:

    Which bring us back to the question why you are not asking there ...