800 HD SE heigh symbol rate support 40000+ 40700-2/3 8PSK

  • Dear Members and Experts

    I have DM 800 HD se, before setting my dish at Asiaset5 100.5 , i wanted to know does DM 800 HD se supports 40700-2/3 8PSK ???

    Its new Received purchased in March 2011.

  • from a dev in irc:
    Some tuners should be able to handle that.
    Tuner 4505 Revision B can handle SR's up to 45000 acording to the datasheet from that tuner, but it was never tested!
    The plugnplay tuners should be able to handle that, but not the 4506 for example.

    Theorie ist, wenn man alles weiß, aber nichts funktioniert.
    Praxis ist, wenn alles funktioniert aber niemand weiß warum.

  • My Tuner is M4505 (DVB-S2), will it support 40700 SR ??

    We did some tests yesterday, and yes it really should work with your tuner. But there seem to be some problem when using the service scan.
    But I think Ghost will fix that soon. :winking_face:

  • You don't have to "find" Ghost: this is the Nickname of one of the dmm developers. He sometimes answers questions here in the forum, but most of the time he works hard, to make our dreamboxes even better. As soon as he found the bug, we will for sure fix it and then an update on your box will fix it for you as well. Just be patient.