DNS-server seems not to be recognised

  • I have a DM8000 and it works fine on my own LAN. It is also possible to fetch updates and plugins, but everything else, such as browsing, or seeing YouTube films does not work. After a while a timeout message appears to the effect that the requested address cannot be found.

    I suspect that it is because of a DNS failure, but that would mean that updates and plugins are fetched using IP-addresses and not names.

    The DNS setting have been set up carefully, and I have tried using my own router, and using external DNS servers, but there has been no success. Do anybody have a suggestion?


  • you can simply try out if DNS works by typing "ping google.com -c3" into telnet of your box ...

    if it works, DNS works too! otherwise you can only ping ip adresses, but not domainnames ...

    Usually you should enter the IP Address of your router as DNS IP into the dreambox, but external DNS IP's from your ISP or Google ( should also work ...

    Theorie ist, wenn man alles weiß, aber nichts funktioniert.
    Praxis ist, wenn alles funktioniert aber niemand weiß warum.

  • You are right, pinging Google from the telnet box works. So there must be some other reason why the YouTube plugin does not find anything at all.

  • Do you have access to youtube from a computer in your network at all? Depending on the country, access to some sites could be blocked. If it works from a computer, I'd run enigma2 from the console and check for errors when the plugin is started.

    Ich bin keine Hotline, daher kein Support per Mail oder PM.

  • Thank, that seems like a good suggestion. I do have access to YouTube.

    I am unsure how to start a plugin from the console. In fact, I am unsure what the "console" is! Is it my telnet session?

  • Yes, it's your telnet session. Here's what you can do from the console:

    init 5 (this will stop enigma2)
    enigma2 (you'll see a lot of output from enigma2 on the console)

    Now start the youtube plugin and watch out for errors in the console.

    Once you're done:

    press CTRL + C (this will abort enigma2)
    init 3 (enigma2 will be started as usual)
    exit (close the console)

    If you want to write the console output to a file (which you can post here for example), start enigma2 with the following command:

    enigma2 >/tmp/enigma2_logfile.log 2>&1

    You'll then find the console output in the file /tmp/enigma2_logfile.log.

    Hope it helps.

    Ich bin keine Hotline, daher kein Support per Mail oder PM.