CVS 7025 updates???????

  • Hi Developers

    can i ask you an question about the updates
    i have almost evry day many updates but i can not test them
    because the cvs update after 20060429 wil not work anymore

    i have tried serval times from 30 01 02 03 and even 04 may
    but when an image is made and loaded to my dreambox 7025 then
    after reboot the box is comming in a enigma restart loop and then
    the only solution is shut down the box.

    so why all these updates and why we can,t use them for testing
    whitout these stupid problems.

    i have send my NL po translation file and is added but how can
    i look if it is good if i can not use the images whit the updates.

    i find it very strange it seems to be that the updates are for some
    special people and not for the normal openenembedded users.


    :grinning_squinting_face:Dreambox 7000 Dreambox 7020 Dreambox 7025 und warte auf die DM8000 :grinning_squinting_face:

  • Yes you are right. You should take the enigma2 cvs version which openembedded provides without changing the date. tmbinc explicitly wrote that you have to live wth the errors, if you change the cvs date, so just wait until e2 is updated officialy, or patch it yourself to make it work

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by dcdead
    Yes you are right. You should take the enigma2 cvs version which openembedded provides without changing the date. tmbinc explicitly wrote that you have to live wth the errors, if you change the cvs date, so just wait until e2 is updated officialy, or patch it yourself to make it work

    Yes that i understand but how can i see where the enigma crasches
    i have looked whit hyperterminal but it will stop certain place
    in the begin from E2 you could follow what the box was doing
    but now that no more posible. :smiling_face_with_horns:

    so i not can see where it is going wrong so waht must i than patch :grinning_squinting_face:


    :grinning_squinting_face:Dreambox 7000 Dreambox 7020 Dreambox 7025 und warte auf die DM8000 :grinning_squinting_face:

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    you have ovverride the kernel-commandline for getting debug-output on /dev/ttyS0 (by default it's on /dev/null).

    This can be done in the Bios (press "S" key directly after turning the Box on).

    console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/mtdblock3 rootfstype=jffs2 rw

    mfg ,

  • Also, ich würde einfach empfehlen ein laufendes image zu nehmen, bspw. das vom 29.04. Dann nach /tmp das aktuelle enigma2 ipkg laden, enigma2 killen und per ipkg install /tmp/enigma2.... das neue installieren. Wenn man dann enigma2 startet kehrt er höchstens zur Konsole zurück und man kann es dann evtl. fixen. Aber das ganze macht eh nicht viel Sinn, solange die Devs nicht sagen, dass es sich um einen halbwegs vernünftigen Stand handelt