Beiträge von doppie


    The both dreambox editors are working, but the give an wrong
    reload command

    the do KILLALL ENIGMA2, But E2 uses now


    then it will work you can give in both of the editors an custom
    telnet command do that and it wil work again

    P.S. I thank Ghost for the info :grinning_squinting_face:



    Why are there now many problems when i load an sat settings list
    whit LAMA Dreamboxedit and Dreamset. :confused_face:

    when i upload an settings list to my 7025 in my own cvs img
    then after that only the favorites are there and the file lamedb
    is broken after that and is only 68kb, was in the good working list +- 600kb.
    and the result after uploadding is this

    eDVB services /3/
    Have a lot of bugs!

    So it is fully broke :smiling_face_with_horns:
    and i tried also that img from DOC.dreamvile that has the smae problem.
    and now you wil say it is your box that is not good no no no :grinning_squinting_face:
    i know some people that have the same problem.

    and the problem is started when the congig is changed to config2 and now settings
    and whit the parental control.

    so who can explain where i must seek for this error and what can i do
    to this problem...



    ist dort was shief gelaufen mit das 7025 CVS :confused_face: :confused_face:
    ich bekomme bei auschecken nicht merh dan 987kb und is keine

    grusse doppie

    Hallo bin ich mal wieder :smiling_face_with_horns:

    was ich nun wieder mitmache...pfffffff

    ich habe ne ganze neu db7025 img gemacht und alles funtioniert
    richtig, ABER when ich eine kanal liste laden in meine box
    dan geht es richtig der mist in X(.

    in die setings liste ist eine file mit die name lamedb und ist bei mich +-600kb gross.
    aber when ich das list lade mit LAMA Dreameditor oder mit Dreamset.
    dan geht dort was mis die file lamedb wird kaput gemacht. :winking_face_with_tongue:
    und dar bleibt von die +-600kn nog 68kb uber.

    und mit die inhalt

    eDVB services /3/
    Have a lot of bugs!

    und das probleem habe ich seit heute, ich habe eine cclean world gemacht und so alle pakete geupdate.

    und darnach ware es mis :(l :grinning_squinting_face:

    so was ist dar falsh oder ist dort soviel geanderd das es nicht merh funtioniert.

    auch die alte cable.xml funtioniert nicht mehr und die neu is anders



    pffffffff now tar.gz and tar.bz2 are working again
    because busybox 1.01 is back :grinning_squinting_face:

    But now there is an problem whit ipk skins pack
    i was working well before the last openembedded update yesterday.
    when i try to install the plugin is nowhere to find, because ipkg is not working properly. :angry_face:

    and when i try to unpack on the hdd whit AR -x then it gives ar: Invalid ar magic

    root@dm7025:/media/hdd# ar -x enigma2-plugin-extensions-skinsel-nemesispack_0.5.02-20060822-r0_mipsel.ipk
    ar: Invalid ar magic

    Usually "ipkg: invalid magic" means that the ipk is not correct, either at ar
    level, or the tar inside.
    Just FYI , an ipk is an ar file that contains two tar file: control.tar.gz and
    You can test if the ipk is good or not by copying it in some temporary
    and do this

    ar -x some_ipk_file.ipk
    ar -t some_ipk_file.ipk

    but i gave on my 7020/7025
    ar: Invalid ar magic

    and it has worked for ages and now it refuses on both machines

    so what will be the next problem :grinning_squinting_face: hihi

    Regards doppie

    Hi Ghost,

    hmm that very strange i use this sort of commands see here an piece
    of an script that i start from an hommade plugin for the 7025
    it has always worked but now whit busybox V.1.2.1 it gives that error

    oyes and other thing, when i use the LAMA dreambox editor
    and try to reload the settings afer uploaded it to the 7025
    then i refues and the reason for that is
    on the normal way it works in whit busybox 1.01
    killall enigma2 ~ > this wil retart the enigma

    but whit busybox V.1.2.1 it must be changed in the settings editor to
    killall enigma2 ~$ then it will allso work

    so i find the busybox v1.2.1 not so good you must to mutchs things
    in other ptograms so it is not my favforire busybox version.

    regards doppie


    i have now for a few days an strange error with unpacking TAR files
    on my 7025 dreambox.

    all the trubles are came whit openembedded and busybox 1.2.1
    when i try to unpac an TAR.gz or an TAR.bz2 it gives as result invalid tar magic.

    and when i put back in the busybox 1.01 alles is working again.

    so my question is
    is the an patch for busybox 1.2.1 to let work all on the normal way
    or can i change somethin in the busybox source???

    please who can help me out whit this problem

    Regards doppie


    wie has dies probleem auch.

    ich habe eine neu nfi gemacht vur die 7020 und dort is was gut faul
    in die CVS.

    wen ich nar 16 graad ost drehen dan is die motor setting verswunden
    oder ist die pos. 16 ost nicht mehr liesbar fur die box.
    siehe das rote das ware 16 grad ost.


    und wan das geburt dan lauft die box auch ganz fest.



    ich habe in das file epgcache.h das #define ENABLE_MHW_EPG 1
    angezest und die file mhw.h aus das 7020 cvs geleind :grinning_squinting_face:
    und in das lib/dvb/lowlevel/mhw.h gezest undie compiler lief durch
    und kan nun auf C+ NL 3 tagen vooraus sehn in das epg.

    und das in die simple EPG list und miet MORE.
    so ich neme an das es wirkt, oder wird dar nog was vermist.

    grusse doppie.


    ich habe heute nacht ne neue 7025 cvs gemacht mit das neue Makefile-opendreambox.
    und hatte eine 7025 image bekommen von CVSDATE = "20060711"
    und das wirkte alles gut.

    aber ich wolte ne update machen von das enimga aber ich kriege eine
    patch error von dieses file backport_some_changes.diff und dan eine log von +-213 riegelen.

    so dort is was nicht gut wen das enigma wird geupdate
    und das fremde ist alles uber CVSDATE = "20060711" gibt das patch error aus???.

    und was nog fremder ist ich hatte mit das alte Makefile-opendreambox
    keine probleme ich hat meine lezste update von 200607021 gemacht
    un das compilierte einwandfei durch, aber das neue pffffff.

    wer weis eine antword auf dies error beigefugd das logfile

    Ps. ich habe alles von meine systeem geupdate so das kan es nicht sein.



    ich habe ne groses probleem, dar es sheint hat dmm viele anpassungnen
    gemacht und nun so das die alte weise nicht merh geht auf das 7020.

    ich habe ne var.tar.gz erstelt und die normale symblinks wirken gut
    dieses symblinks meine ich

    ln -s /etc/tuxbox /var/
    ln -s /etc /var/
    ln -s /usr/bin /var/

    aber was ich mit dies musse kein idee wie das zu tun

    mkdir -p /var/tuxbox/config
    ln -s /etc/enigma /var/tuxbox/config/

    und das probleem ist wen die nich dor sein dan konte man kein sender
    settings laden mit dreamedit oder ne andere editor, um das die folfders nicht erzeuggt sind.

    est so when ich ne gute img in meine 7020 habe in flash
    und wil dan mit FLASHWIZARD ne andere img die ich gemacht habe selbst ne CVS img.
    das geht ABER die sender liste wird nicht uber genommen von flash nar cf image um das die richtige folders nicht in das cf image anwesig sind.

    so frage wie kriege ich das alles wieder an es laufen auf die rigtige manier.

    wie weis er rat oder ist das ne bug oder kan es echt nich mehr.

    danke und grusse doppie


    i have an big problem whit lama and dreamedit and 7025
    i have an dreambox 7025 whit dvb-s and an dvb-s tuner
    and when i use only dvb-s and one of the editors then all is ok.

    But when i use both the tuners and lama editor en upload the settings back to the box.
    then all is changed to dvb-c and only the dvb-c channels aere working
    dvb-s is fucktup.

    and whit dreamedit the dvb-c channels are turn in to grey
    and dont work anymore.

    so it seems to be that the LAMEDB has an problem it can only
    have dvb-c or dvb-s in it and not both when edited.

    so anyone an soluiton for this or is this an no go combination.


    Yow hello,

    i have now another problem, i try to make liteskin in to the enimga of
    the 7000/7020.
    i have an sort of working version but have allso 2 problems.

    the first problem is
    when a skin is displayed on the screen, and when i zap to the next
    channel then it skips an chanel, so it go,s from channel 200 to 202
    and not 201, this is not hapening evry time.
    but when i zap when the skin is hidden then it works fine no problems at all.

    the 2e problem
    there must be an protectie in the patch, so when there is no ezap_easy_main in the skin.esml that the box is not crashing and it go,s back to his normal skin.

    so is there here anybody who has the solution for it how to het this stuf
    working on the right way :confused_face:

    i have done this in the enigma_main.cpp

    and i have made an switch posibility in the setup_extra.cpp
    and that working ok.

    so anybody an solution, or must we event the wheel again :grinning_squinting_face:


    Hi mirakels,

    so as i said befor, allmost all an is milatary seccret.
    i try to make liteskin in the enigma, and have allmost a good working
    version for it, but why must we event the wheel again, that code is
    in allmost any image from big teams, ad i have triedd allso priview skin
    before load.
    but that i cant get working.

    and if you ask to the big teams the are like stone walls the say allso nothing if you ask something or spoke to them just like the stone wall..hahaha :D.


    Hi tension,

    Thanks mate, it works fine now =) =)
    my box is now staying in standby mode so it works
    and the problem was the frondend patch enigma dont like that i think.

    and i didnt mean you in my previous post, but i look sometime
    to the users on this board and there are big names by.
    but what the do here i dont know the sit there but giving no help
    or even an ansewer.

    hmmm no the sit there and look and laugh om the stupid en simpel
    questions here on the board.
    but that is my thought about them.
