Tune failed using latest drivers and OE 1.6 - based images

  • Hi

    I have a problem using latest OE 1.6 based images with the latest drivers. I am getting "Tune failed" errors on HD channels with low Symbol Rate using those images.

    What can I do? Are new drivers going to be released that address this issue?


  • Can a Dream Multimedia guy respond to this? I think it's a matter of poorly written drivers. It's not normal to release a driver that only works fine on some tuner revisions and fail on others!

    To be more specific, I tried to use [Moderator] Fremdimage, verstößt gegen die Boardregeln [/Moderator] and I can't watch like 90% of HD channels because of the new driver.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von floh ()

  • Sorry for saying this but: 1.6 is NOT released... It is experimental and DMM works on the drivers.
    This is the risk of using an experimental image...

    If it does not work for you -> Stick with 1.5 releases...

  • Sorry for saying this but: 1.6 is NOT released... It is experimental and DMM works on the drivers.
    This is the risk of using an experimental image...

    If it does not work for you -> Stick with 1.5 releases...

    Okay if it's only experimental! I will wait for a stable release then.
