Bouquets on a DreamBox DM600PVR

  • Hi All.

    I have recently purchased the DREAMBOX DM600PVR and am extremely pleased with it. Unfortunately, I am at a loss regarding the adding of channels to the Bouquets, which is starting to take forever so I am hoping there is a much simpler and efficient way to do this than what I am currently doing.

    I currently have to go through the list of channels and install them individually to the Bouquets via the setup/service organising menus. This in itself is not a problem but having three satellites connected with hundreds & hundreds of channels is a right pain having to individually store them.

    Is there ANY way I can scroll through the channels whilst watching them and if there is a channel I like to add them to the Bouquets instead of having to go through the whole setup process trying to find the same channel on its respective satellite? Alternatively, is it possible to see the channel whilst adding the to my bouquets list?

    Many thanks in advance.

    Regards :question_mark:

  • You could organize the bouquets on your PC by using an editor as DreamboxEdit (google ;))...

    But there's also a bit easier way using your remote control to organize bouquets:
    Open the channel list by pressing the TV button, press menu and choose "edit bouquets" or similar (i only know the german gui)... Then press the red button and choose the satellite you want to organize... Channels that already are in your bouquet are highlighted red, by pressing OK you can add a channel to the bouquet :smiling_face:
    As long as you stay in the "bouquet editing mode" you can go through all sattelites and so on and add them to the bouquet :winking_face:

    so long

  • Dear m0rphU.

    Thanks very much for your reply and information.

    The DreamBoxEdit software has worked brilliantly. It did exactly what I needed it to do. The fact that I can now save all my channels to my computer is also a real bonus.

    I am now thinking of upgrading to the DM 8000 HD PVR as adding and editing channels is so incredibly easy with the edit software especially now that all my Bouquets are safely stored on my computer.

    Hats off to the developers of the software - Oh to be that clever!

    Regards :thumbs_up:

  • Please don't write in white!! I use the Bright Style and can't read anything of your text without highliting... The normal font should do it as well :winking_face:

    I'm glad I could help :smiling_face:

    edit murray: right :winking_face: As I said: standard is best :grinning_squinting_face:

    so long

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