[OE Sources PROBLEM] Working/Non-working paths

  • tmbinc
    Please, can You check out paths for sources?
    There are bounch of unreachable or 'timed out' servers.
    I know that You probably spare traffic, but build outlast of 2 hours, what is not so normal because of servers check awaiting.
    Can You put dreamboxupdate.com/sources-mirror to the first ( ok, second, if is problem ) place at least or replace links?

    JET/Jtvos/Jtv Team

    CLi Team Images Design

  • lol, after a 'while' I comme up to end ( almost ) but no again is missing package....

    JET/Jtvos/Jtv Team

    CLi Team Images Design

  • I have posted this file at cablelinux. Put it in the Sources folder.

    Also when "awaiting response ....", usually Ctrl+c moves on to the next mirror.

    Regards, pcd.

  • pcd
    I know that 'CTRL+C' move to next mirror, but in this case, it come to last mirror and no file at all.
    It's not normal in cvs/s-cvs that You must to search for files and copy it manually in folder of Your dev :angry_face:

    Also I have all of files.... and this is just bug report, not dev problem :winking_face:
    Cheers M8

    JET/Jtvos/Jtv Team

    CLi Team Images Design

  • I changed the following in



    FETCHCOMMAND_wget = "/usr/bin/env wget -t 5 --passive-ftp -P ${DL_DIR} ${URI}"


    FETCHCOMMAND_wget = "/usr/bin/env wget -t 2 --passive-ftp -P ${DL_DIR} ${URI}"

    with it is only tried twice instead of 5 times to get the file from the source. after the second try it goes to the second (most time working) source.


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