Help needed: Possible bug in DM7025 hardware demux drivers?

  • More feedback,

    With the cable of my dish disconected the resets to my smartcard stopped, if i connect the cable the resets start again. At this time the 7025 is only has my internal server, no problems ( freezes / image stops ) in both dreambox ( 500 and 800 ) receiving from 7025.

  • Hello,

    Anything new related to this topic?

    Can we hope to have a patch for the frontend processor firmware or something close to that?


  • Always expecting a solution from Dreambox....

    I guess it is *unacceptable" to leave customers without any patch after a so long time for this critical problem.
    I was very enthusiast working with my DM7025 until I got this problem concerning this so-called multiplexing scheme for BIS-TV services.

    What would be the solution? To move to a DM800 or 8000'? *NEVER* I will buy a dreambox again and I'm very deceived and disappointed about
    DM's feedback regarding this problem.

    With regards

  • No, unfortunately, there is absolutely NO feeback from DM. I guess DM7025's users are outdated from DM's point of view, and there is not any *commercial* interest to focus on this point now. You can throw your DM7025 away....
    and buy a more recent product. This a sad reality...

  • it is not official website ?
    I think it is because I look the whois of and
    I look Firma Ronny Strutz.

    You do a mistake, I have not speak about cardsh ...

    I want only a DM 7025+ which function good.

  • With very little hope, does anybody have any feedback regarding the problem related to stream-multiplex on DM7025?
    I didn't check the last images from dreamboxupdate.
    Thx for any feedback.

  • Hey Drossier,

    I have just bought a DM7025 and a Bis TV subscription just to discover this problem. I feel cheated because I want to return this buggy device but am not sure the reseller will accept.

    But when you say it works with VLC, what do you mean exactly ?


    Thanks for your feedback; I see there is two different issues indeed. I don't have some freezes on my side.
    But what do you mean with "data combination" and this does not affect "normal" functionality ?? If I'm looking a service (France 2, M6, etc.) with an official smartcard (BisTV), it seems to me that my DM 7025 should work in a "normal" way, regardless the nature of the pictures or movies, doesn't it? I do not believe in a smartcard issue; reasons are that it works perfectly with some services, and no with some others (using ViaAccess 3.0 in all cases). I also made some tests with Compact Flash, [Moderator] verstößt gegen die Boardregeln [/Moderator] , the behavious is the same (and IMHO, if it is a smartcard issue, it wouldn't work with VLC neither probably).

    I'm fully at your disposal for testing some patches or any tests...

  • Hello Flopma,

    I'm streaming the TV channel from the DM7025 via the Web interface on a PC running VLC under Linux. There are no issues anymore. However, using another
    media player on Windows, and the problem appears again. So, I do not if VLC simply ignores the *bad* video packets and makes a correlation between frames,
    which would not be the case with Windows Media Player... But I'm not sure. Anyway, I strongly recommend to give back your DM7025 since the problem really seems
    to be a hardware problem.

    Please let me know what's going on.


  • hi
    i've stumbled across a very strange problem that, as far as i can tell, occurs only on the DM7025:

    Below is a dvbsnoop log of 1 raw ECM.

    the first ECM was captured in a DM7020 and the second one is *the same* ECM but captured on a DM7025 simultaneously (as you can see in the timestamps, they are a few seconds apart but they are the same ECM).

    Raw ECM captured on a DM7020
