Link between "mainMenu" in keymap.xml and "Mainmenu" in menu.xml

  • Hi,

    In /usr/share/enigma2/keymap.xml, there is (for example)

    <map context="InfobarMenuActions">
    		<key id="KEY_MENU" mapto="mainMenu" flags="mr" />

    My question is - where is "mainMenu" defined ?

    KEY_MENU obviously calls /usr/share/enigma2/menu.xml which is headed :-

    <menu text="Mainmenu" title="Mainmenu">
    	<id val="mainmenu" />

    I would like to know where the link is made between "mainMenu" and "Mainmenu" of the two .xml files ? In another words, why "mainMenu" calls menu.xml ?

    Will be grateful for advice.

    Regards, pcd.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von pcd ()

  • KEY_MENU is mapped to the action "mainMenu" when in "InfobarMenuActions" context...

    So we check where to find InfobarMenuActions.
    Its "class InfoBarMenu" in Screens.InfoBarGenerics

    There we can see that the actions "mainMenu" is mapped to the function self.mainMenu (line 346 in current CVS).

    And InfoBarMenu.mainMenu opens up Screens.Menu with the item from mainmenu (first child of menu xml).

    This descriptions still requires some knowledge of Python and E2 internals so if you need any more explaination, just ask.

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  • Reichi

    Thank you. I realized that. But the question was the 'link'.


    Many thanks. That is what I was looking for. I somehow did not see Screens.InfoBarGenerics.

    Anyway I should be ok now. I am trying to link a customised menu to the blue button.

    Regards, pcd. :smiling_face: