Dead DM520

  • HI everybody. I have a DM520 which was working fine until I had the great idea of saving settings and then flashing a new image. I flashed successfully PLI 5 but when it rebooted and asked me if I wanted to restore my settings I said yes. Stupidly I had saved my settings on a usb stick that was originally in a DM500HD on wich I had also done some DM500 back ups. You can guess what happened. PLI5 took it upon itself to use the DM500HD settings and distroyed itself. Now I get the boot logo of the old 500 and then it hangs with a red flashing light. I tried to do a reflashing, but I cannot get it into rescue mode. I tried to press the front button before switching on, and then different timings after switching on, between 1 sec and 10 secs. but it just carries on and boots in the wrong image.
    I have read the thread DM820 not booting which is very clear but it is for a dm820. Does it apply to the dm520 also and is the rescue loader the same? If not where can I find the rescue loader for the dm520?
    Thanks guys, I will be eternally grateful to anybody who can give me some directions.

  • with wrong settings you can not destroy the loader, but why flashing an unsupported bootlegged PLi image is another question ...

    Anyway - even when enigma2 is not starting anymore you should be still able to logon via telnet and type

    init 4
    rm /etc/enigma2/settings
    reboot -f

    Alternatively you may type below commands in telnet to get into rescue mode for a flashing it again:

    echo rescue > /proc/stb/fp/boot_mode
    reboot -f

    Have fun with your dm520

  • Many many thanks. It worked. When I deleted the settings directory nothing changed. It just rebooted into the faulty image as before. Does restore settings do anything else that could've damaged the image?

    Anyway, when I forced into into rescue mode it rebooted into http mode and I was able to do an "Online recovery". Just a peculiar piece of information on the log:

    [*] Downloading ''
    [*] Downloading ''[*] Verifying signature of 'recovery'gpgv: Signature made Wed Dec 21 02:01:50 2016 UTC using RSA key ID A07683D3gpgv: key A07683D3 was created 1460384147 seconds in the future (time warp or clock problem)gpgv: key A07683D3 was created 1460384147 seconds in the future (time warp or clock problem)gpgv: key A07683D3 was created 1460384147 seconds in the future (time warp or clock problem)gpgv: Good signature from "Dreambox DM520 Recovery <>"[*] Running './recovery'[*] Options '-v'Warning: Could not read CA! Warning: Please consider updating your rescue loader!Warning: Could not read CA! Warning: Please consider updating your rescue loader![*] Downloading ''[*] Downloading ''

    etc to a successful end.
    What does "Could not read CA" mean and should I update the rescue loader? Is an out of date rescue loader the reason I cannot go inot rescue mode manually with the front button?
    On the subject of unsupported bootlegged image, I did not manage to find any other official or supported images. Any suggestions? Sorry for being so lame.

  • is full off official images.

    update-rescue -v in telnet will update your loader if you have flashed the latest OE2.5 unstable image from there

  • By OE2.5 I take it you mean the opendreambox 2.5 image that is on the site. That is the only image I can find on that sire for the dm520. There are three in fact, by I assume they are essentailly the same with just a few minor changes:
    Stable (opendreambox 2.5)
    Unstable (opendreambox 2.5)
    Unstable (opendreambox 2.2)
    Why bother with an unstable version when the latest version is defined "stable"?
    I could not find any other images, but maybe I am being thick and just don't understand how to use the update feeds?

  • The latest unstable is from 21. June and the latest stable is from 30. May. So yes, right now both images are in a similar state. But new developments will first be available in the unstable.
    If you feel more comfortable with the stable image, feel free to flash that one. But remember to update the rescue loader in any case :winking_face:

    Which other images are you looking for? Team images are of course available on the websites of the regarding teams. DreamOS based images are e.g. Merlin (, OoZooN or Newnigma2 :smiling_face:
    OpenATV, OpenPLi, etc. are based on a fork of enigma2 and not compatible with DreamOS. But of course they also have good images for the new Dreamboxes (if there are official builds, unlike OpenPLi).

    so long

  • Many thanks for the info on alternative images. I'll give them a go to see wich ones I like best. When I had my dm500hd I liked the pli as it seemed to have better features, but I take your point.

    Regarding the rescue loader I am still unclear how this interfaces, or not, with the image. My current rescue loader is 102 and the latest version seems to be 203, correct?
    It would seem that all the opendreambox images on the site are classified as 2.5. What does this mean? Is it the family of firmaware images that are now at rev. 2.5 or is it Enigma that is 2.5? And are all the compatible images you mention 2.5? If there are compatible images that are not 2.5 will they then work even if the rescue loader has been upgraded for the 2.5 images. Do I sound confused? You bet I am, but hope you can make some sense of my ramblings.

  • last recovery-loader is 1.03 (probably small typo). The recovery-loader has no direct relation to the Enigma version. In fact, the rescue-loader simply provides emergency access (hence it's name) when normal booting fails.

  • 2.5 refers to the version of openembedded. This is the dev environment.


    Boxen (im Einsatz): DM920, DM900, DMOne
    Developer Project Merlin - we are OpenSource

  • Thanks to mimisiku and dre to clear up some of my confusion. Still unclear about 2.5 and openembedded. What does that mean? I understood there was Enigma which is the operating system, currently version 2. The there is the image which acts as the user interface and contains all the apps that make the box functional. Am I simplifying too much or am I completing wrong in my understanding?

  • enigma2 is not an operating system it is an application running on an open embedded linux. They together are called DreamOS because a court ruled that other vendors can also use enigma2 name for their application running on their boxes due to a license not prohibiting that at that time. Therefore OE Versions are not unique and comperable and the same applies for enigma2

  • A Linux STB is just like a small PC build to produce TV signals. Nothing more, nothing less. Not much need to philisophy about.

    1. The boot-loader (hardcoded level 1 and softcoded level 2 (rescue-loader)
    2. Kernel (drivers and such)
    3. Enigma (let's call this the Windows version to simplify things on your end)
    4. Plugins (the 'user' programs like Office and other programs the user may need (to uphold the Windows synology)

    Only difference is that on a PC everything is installed separately (apart from the user add-ons), in a Linux STB everything is packed in a single extractable file know as an 'image'. The reason for this is that STB's (by their nature) are not designed for internal hardware add-ons. They are always the same. Same CPU (called SoC), same NAND, same RAM, and same build in hardware...
    Only thing you can add is a harddisk and/or tuners...

  • And to confuse you even more: enigma version is not 2 but we use enigma2 in version 4.2 (OE 2.2) or 4.3 (OE 2.5). The competing vendors and the OpenAlliance use enigma2 too, but with other version numbers...

    so long

  • Thanks to all who replyed to my naive questions. My thanks particularly to mimisiku who has made it a lot clearer for me. I understand PCs pretty well but linux has always been a bit of a mystery. Now I am starting to get my head round it.
    I'll keep quite for a while and leave you in peace :winking_face: . This is a great forum, such a shame I don't speak german, I am sure there would be so much more I could gain from it.

  • Hi everybody! I recently bought dm520 and this is my first dreambox. I decided to ask you some basic questions. Because I don't want to flash my device later. My questions are:
    1. does it make problem if I install more than one image on my dm520?
    2. If it is ok, which version of bootloader can handle it?
    3. which Images are better for the base?
    4. If multi image is harmful, then which image do you recommend to install?

  • Very hard to say. All depends on your 'minimal' demands and/or whishes you want the box to do for you.
    I don't know if multiboot options are still available for this box. Years ago there was something like Barry-Allen. Don't know if it is still around. Multibooting is not supported by every image. In many reported cases there are strange errors when using multiboot whereas the stand-alone version works just fine.

    Also realise that current images are around 90Mb 'small'. So not much room for extensive multibooting at all..

    I would advice to look at the possibilities (and impossibilities) that every image offers and make a decision.. Most extras can be achieved by installing Plug-Ins..

  • I'm pretty sure that Barry Allen is still running around catching images :grinning_squinting_face:

  • Thanks for your attention! beside Barry Allen I heard with new boot-loaders it is possible to install multi-images. I read that with second-stage boot-loaders it is possible. But the second-stage file extension was .deb and I couldn't install it each way. At the end I updated my image online but yet I don't know if the boot-loader is updated or again needs second-stage ( I was recommended to use CVS unstable for the first and so now it has been installed and updated)
    Anyway multi-image is not so important for me and I prefer to have a good Image rather than multi-image with problems.
    For choosing image I heard about Merlin, OpenATV, dream-elite and CVS stable. I think all of them are of OE 2.5. Beautiful menus, less freezing for Cccam channels and working without problem is important for me, and of-course ability to install plugins and Emulator. so what do you recommend?
    Sorry for writing so much

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Armaldo ()

  • we are sorry that you ignore the boardrules.

    and no, Open* images are neither OE2.5 nor DreamOS based