Recorded Show in PVR Disappear

  • Thanks very much for your quick reply Dre!
    I have not try login without password, never thought of that. i try later.
    What is the plugin that could change the password, please tell me?
    Best Regards

  • 'failed' is a very helpfull error message ...

  • Hi Gutemine, i am not able to flash any image at all, not even the original multimedia image (release-dm7020hdv2-4.0.0.nfi), please tell what's going on and how can i rectify this?
    Please Help!
    Thanks very much!

  • Not able is also not a very useful error message. A little bit more info what you are doing would be helpful.

  • All this started when I gather some info that I am able to view my recorded shows in Dreambox (Db) even if I am away from home. I thought this is possible only if the port at my router is open. So I begin to turn-on quite a number of settings at my router. Then all my shows inside my 3Tb Hdd got all wipe out, I guess it must be the opening of the port which invited hackers to invade my Db and had them clean-up totally.
    At this junction, a few good Samaritans suggested and teach me how to change the password. So I did accordingly by doing this in DccE2 and change the password in Telnet, it seem successful and I am sure to have key-in twice the password correctly as I uses only one finger typing so to ensure I would not type wrongly. As I recall, something seem abnormal, when I was key-in the 5 letters password, I notice the cursor does not moves, wonder if this is normal.
    When I tried to login with my new password in DccE2, it failed in Telnet but seem ok in Ftp. I tried many times and also tried using the original password (ie.dreambox) but still failed. So I thought I am able to reset it back to original setting by flashing an image using Firefox and also Dreamup, but sadly to say, it still fail.
    Wonder what had happen to it?
    Please Help!
    Thanks very much!

  • The default password is no password not dreambox.

    You still do not write the interesting part gutemine is looking for: what is the exact error message you get when you try to flash? What are the steps you did during flashing until you got to the error message?


    Boxen (im Einsatz): DM920, DM900, DMOne
    Developer Project Merlin - we are OpenSource

  • Oh sorry! I also did try login without password but failed too.

    When i use Firefox, it will stop itself without finishing the whole flashing.

    When using Dreamup, it will hang at "checking checksum", i think it say something like that. I uses the null cable in Dreamup and did turn-off all the virus softwares too.

  • Do You actually have a v2 box and remove network tick box in dreamup and be patient ...

  • Yes it’s a V2 box which is Dm7020HdV2. I think I did untick the network tick box in DreamUp but no very sure, I will try again today.
    Do you think is possible the Hacker inject some virus to my network (Pc and Db) during the time when the router port was open? And wipe-off everything in my Db's Hdd and damage all the backup images in my Pc.

  • I tried with Firefox again as using DreamUp is very inconvenience as I need to dismantle all the connected wirings and relocate the box to where my Pc is. So I tried with Firefox using the latest backup image I have but failed. Then I use the 2nd latest backup image, also failed. Then again I uses the 3rd backup image, still failed. For the last try, I uses the first backup image, this time I succeeded. I don’t understand why this is so, I had been using all those backup images before and it was good, but how come it fail this time, please tell me? Is it the Hacker had damage these backup images? Or the virus which the Hacker had plant-in into my Db or Pc when damaging all my latest backup images?
    Now the password is automatically set to “dreambox” in DccE2 and I am able to login in Telnet and Ftp. But Dre said there is no password in original setting, this had confuse me!
    Previously I tried to put in my new password using Dcc in Telnet by key-in “passwd”, and typing in new password (which wordings does not appear and the cursor doesn’t move also) by using 1 finger so ensuring no mistake made and press enter. Then key-in the 2nd time and press enter. But all this got me into all this problem. So please tell me what is the correct method? And if Dcc is not the correct software to transfer files/plugins and downloading of recorded movies, what is the correct software to use?
    Please teach me!
    Thanks very much!

  • how big are your backup images an how did You create them?

  • If I remember correctly is about 10,000+Kb and its Dflash I think as I am not at home now so could not check. But I had been using all those backup images before and are good.

  • Ok and you are fully aware that neither the bios webif nor dreamup can flash files bigger than 128MB ?

    Only dFlash can flash such big Images...

    And if you still usw 12.6 despite that it expired long ago, means you usw a cracked version which means no further support from the author :thumbs_down:

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Lost in Translation ()

  • Oh I see, webif and Dreamup only can flash image up to 128Mb. Thanks very much!

    Please teach me the correct method to change the password and what software should I use to do this if Dcc is not correct?

  • What is so different to understand on no Further Support from The author. And we are here not teaching as we are not at school. You already got all necessary and correcht answers.