DM7020HD mit Bootproblemen

  • Hallo zusammen,

    daran dass ich schon lange nicht mehr hier vorbei geschaut habe seht Ihr, dass in letzter Zeit mit der Dreambox alles glatt lief.
    Allerdings hatte ich 2 Sachen, die mich geschockt haben:
    Einmal neulich waren seltsame Zeichen auf dem OLED Display und die Box reagierte weder auf die FB noch auf TELNET.
    Nach dem Aus- und Einschalten bootete sie normal.
    Gerade gestern stand die IP und *** SERIAL SETUP *** auf dem Display. Beim Telnet Zugriff war die Box im "BIOS", in dem man auch die Bootquelle auswählen kann (siehe Anhang)
    Nach dem Verlassen des Bios lief die Dreambox wieder normal hoch.

    Gibt mein Flash auf?
    Ich frage nur weil ich ja noch Garantie auf das Gerät habe...

  • Hello,

    probably I have the same issue; I have upgrade image Experimental Imade 2.0 dated on 1'st August and after process finished system is can not boot new system.
    I can see only on LCD information about linux-3.2-
    Unfortunately is not success to downgrade- install image dated 18'th July (working previously) - the same result system is hunged.

    Who can help

    Br Henrik

  • Dear Henrik,

    since in your case the problem is persistent you should make a bootlog. This can be done by connecting a mini USB cable to a PC or Laptop and installing an RS232 USB driver from the Dream Multimedia Web Site. There is no need for settings on the receiver side.
    Then you use a terminal program (eg. hiperterm, which comes with Windows) to save the log file and post it here.
    Then we can help you.
    I would stick to the latest 2.0 image.
    Also it would be helpful to know the hardware configuration (disks, usb flash sticks, ...) of your box.
    Also look wether there is a path being set in the boot configuration (hold the up key during boot ans then use telnet on the IP adress on the display to see the config screen which looks like an old bios screen).

    Dreambox 7020HD mit Experimental Image (OE2.0)

  • He is probably just having the usual problem that he flashed the new OE 2.0 ubifs image and still has jffs2 in the kernel command line of the Bios -> Disable

  • @gutemine: Thats what I tried to say in the last Sentence of my previous post.
    Thank you for finding better words for it :thumbs_up:

    Does anybody have an idea for my problem?

    Dreambox 7020HD mit Experimental Image (OE2.0)

    • Official Post


    SERIAL SETUP hat nix mit flash zu tun.

    Das passiert manchmal schon wenn du das mini usb kabel angesteckt hast aber z.b. den PC aus wo die andere seite des Kabels drinn steckt.

    Also da ist nichts kaputt. Am besten einfach das usb kabel nicht drinn stecken lassen.


  • Da war kein Micro USB Kabel eingesteckt!
    Ich erinnere mich auch daran, dass es mir nicht möglich war, die Box über USB und DreamUp zu flashen, ob mit oder ohne IP. Vielleicht ist da was defekt...

    Ich beobachte weiter. Im Moment geht alles. Es scheint dass die Störungen mit der Temperatur korreliert haben. Seitdem es nicht mehr hochsommerlich ist habe ich keine Störung mehr bemerkt.

    Dreambox 7020HD mit Experimental Image (OE2.0)

  • Hello,

    I am writing late because I have tried to connect via USB cable connection but my Box i snot appearing (I am not sure about connections I am trying to do it on Image lading state - on Boot Stoped).
    Of cource I can contact via Internet and reload image - every time it is finishing ok but system can not boot.

    It is possible to download Flash content but i do not think it is posiible to analyse.

    I will try to send a ticket to supoort.

    br Henrik

  • I'm really not sure if this could be the reason for your problem, but have you verified that you flashed the correct image for the v1 or the v2 of the DM7020HD?

    How can we win, when fools can be kings?

  • And did you have a look in the BIOS and checked that the kernel command line is disabled (or at least not set to jffs2)?

    How can we win, when fools can be kings?

  • If you don't know how to access the BIOS, I assume you have in fact never accessed it, which means the kernel command line won't be enabled (it isn't by default).

    How can we win, when fools can be kings?

  • absolutely I haven't changed it but maybe there was something wrong with box - how to check it?

  • Check this site:

    There's an explanation how to get into the BIOS. But don't change the kernel command line, at first just check if it is enabled and post the result here.

    How can we win, when fools can be kings?

  • Thanks colleagues,

    It was hardware error - NOW i have box with new main board (repaired) and system now starting OK, br Henrik