DM8000HD - "SID not found in PAT"

  • Hi!

    Have a 8000 HD box with 2 sat tuners, and a 4-LNB dish with switcher box. For some reason a lot of channels come up as "Service not available ("SID not found in PAT"). Any hints/advice?

  • this msg comes when receiver(Enigma*) thinks it is toned to one sat position, but on the cable still received signal from another position
    start with options `repeat diseq commands` or `increase voltage`
    or change diseq protocol

    another case some transponder is stored to wrong sat folder, do cleanup of current settings
    telnet commands:

    mv /etc/enigma2/lamedb /etc/enigma2/lamedb_bc130330
    killall -9 enigma2

    then scan manually few transponders and test switching

  • Thanks, tried those but no change. The switcher box is clearly capable of switching to the right position, and most channels work OK, but some produce the message. Could it be a result of some protection scheme? One of the problem channels is BBC four - it used to work, but it appears it might have been moved to a BskyB service.

  • Seems BBC 4 moved to Astra 1N 10773 H on 2012-10-12. I can tune in to that, get a reasonable bit rate in the info display, but get the "SID not found in PAT" error.

  • i can't receive Astra 1N with my small 1.8m dish
    maybe that services are gone, Enigma2 can only add new services automatic and never lose any by self
    to able delete gone services you have to manually scan current transponder with selected `Clear before scan`

  • Zitat

    to able delete gone services you have to manually scan current transponder with selected `Clear before scan`

    So a full automatic scan with "clear before scan" won't do it?

  • `full` must do too, but it much longer
    and i don't like it cause it resets transponder's parameters `Inversion` and `Pilot` to Auto and lose previous stored values

  • Right. So cleared everything, did a new scan - and the box still finds channels like BBC FOUR, but when I try to watch it, I still get the "SID not found in PAT" error.