DM500HD Cannot record on external Hard Disk

  • For whatever reason your flash memory is full! There is no more space left for the operating system so it will crash ...

    probably you have some settings wrong and recorded your movie into flash-memory instead on your harddisk?

    Disconnect your external HDD, reboot and then look with a FTP Program into the /media/hdd folder if you see recorded movies there and delete them!

    Theorie ist, wenn man alles weiß, aber nichts funktioniert.
    Praxis ist, wenn alles funktioniert aber niemand weiß warum.

  • Thank you for your help.

    In the path /media/hdd/movie i have found some files. After i have deleted it i have restarted the recording.
    After a few second, when the recording seems work, the green screen appears with the same error.
    With ftp in the path /media/hdd/movie i found the same files.
    Seems that that decoder record on internal memory and not in the external usb hard disk.
    there is a configuration for fix it?

  • you have to switch to expert settings and then you can also edit the recording paths. There you have to make sure your movies get recorded to your external HDD, which should be mounted somewhere else like /media/usb or whatever. It looks like your external hdd is simply not mounted in /media/hdd or not mounted at all. So make sure your external HDD is mounted and then you have correct recording paths selected in your settings. Like said, if expert settings mode of your dreambox you have a "recording paths" in settings menu.

    Theorie ist, wenn man alles weiß, aber nichts funktioniert.
    Praxis ist, wenn alles funktioniert aber niemand weiß warum.

  • i cannot find how can i change recording configuration....
    These are my box info. Please help me :frowning_face:

    Device & Versions


    Enigma Version:

    Image Version:
    Experimental o-20-11-05

    Frontprozessor Version:

    Webinterface Version:

  • I just registred to thank Homey :thumbs_up:

    I had the same problem. I moved my Box and HDD to a friend. When connecting the Dreambox, a timer just started, but the HDD was not connected. So it apperently wrote the movie into the flash memory. Now I could play all recorded movies, but not record a new one -> crash. I was really :pouting_face:

    I was near to reinitialise the HDD (which wouldn't help) with all the movies on it. :loudly_crying_face: But thanks to Homey, every thing is working like before :thumbs_up:

    So everyone, if you have the same problem (crashing when starting recording) just boot your box with no HDD. FTP to /media/hdd/movie and delete everything. Reboot with HDD,and the sun shines again :face_with_tongue:

    Thanks Homey, you made my day :smiling_face:

  • i hope this is ok im having same trouble im useing db500hd with [Moderator] Image is in violation of the Boardrules [/Moderator] always used this iage never had this untill now. i have tryed evrything even put usb on esata and done a fats32 with hdd still cannot get it to work i had picons, photos and music still cannot get it to work esata hdd 250gb thanks.

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