Beiträge von psychy

    I just registred to thank Homey :thumbs_up:

    I had the same problem. I moved my Box and HDD to a friend. When connecting the Dreambox, a timer just started, but the HDD was not connected. So it apperently wrote the movie into the flash memory. Now I could play all recorded movies, but not record a new one -> crash. I was really :pouting_face:

    I was near to reinitialise the HDD (which wouldn't help) with all the movies on it. :loudly_crying_face: But thanks to Homey, every thing is working like before :thumbs_up:

    So everyone, if you have the same problem (crashing when starting recording) just boot your box with no HDD. FTP to /media/hdd/movie and delete everything. Reboot with HDD,and the sun shines again :face_with_tongue:

    Thanks Homey, you made my day :smiling_face: