dream box connection hdmi to led tv no audio?

  • i have samsung led 55c6700 now when i connected the dream box 500 hd to the tv via hdmi there was no sound so i went to the AV settings of dream box changed to hdmi and 1080 resolution , the sound was there so i have to save the settings , at that time the dream box crashes and i have to restart it again and same thing happens.
    if any knows what is the prooblem .
    i will appreciate it thanks

  • Attach the crashlog file from HDD here and also tell us what image/firmware you have installed !?

    Theorie ist, wenn man alles weiß, aber nichts funktioniert.
    Praxis ist, wenn alles funktioniert aber niemand weiß warum.

  • First: you are using an image which is not supported here.
    Second: the crash has nothing to do with HDMI or anything else you did change in the settings.
    The flash of your box is full (no space left ...) and this is causing the crash.
    Remove unnecessary stuff from your flash and you will not encounter the crash.

    DM900 SS, DM8000SSSS
    Kein Support per PN! Nutzt das Forum zum Fragen, dann haben auch andere etwas davon.

  • HI aam73,
    I have been experiencing problem. At time a green tv screen.
    What are the unnecessary files that was causing this problem. Please enumerate them for all
    users of dm boxes that have similar experiences.

    MANY THANKS for your valuable assistance.