is it correct that new dreamUp resrolve pb green led DM500HD

  • together with new second-stage loader and drivers on box, it should help to reduce that problem and you should be better able to restore the box on your own without sending it to DMM.

    Theorie ist, wenn man alles weiß, aber nichts funktioniert.
    Praxis ist, wenn alles funktioniert aber niemand weiß warum.

  • together with new second-stage loader and drivers on box, it should help to reduce that problem and you should be better able to restore the box on your own without sending it to DMM.

    Thank you very much my freind and sorry for my bad english... How can I repair my box (on green leed now) without sending it to DMM.

    Have fun

  • By trying to flash the box again with a new image/firmware using new dreamup-version and serial-cable without network.

    Did you had latest drivers and second-stage loader installed already on your box? I guess they are required to get the box working again on your own.

    Theorie ist, wenn man alles weiß, aber nichts funktioniert.
    Praxis ist, wenn alles funktioniert aber niemand weiß warum.

  • after trying dreamup not working

    this is the message:

    Got worong reponse from box: HTTP/1.0400 bad request
    server. yahd v1.0
    content type: text/plain

    what can i do please

  • after many trying i have succed to flash my box with dreamup and network in the same time

    WooW . at last you can recover your box . nice .So I think why I sent it to DMM ?(for near a month now) .

    Anyway, Please explain everything for GREEN LED users .


  • Hi all!

    Had the same Problem here. Green LED - only Boot Screen. Nothing else.

    I tried it with the "Universal DreamUp" and the "SomeStarConstellation 2"-FW and it worked.

    - I flashed it with the USB-Cable (no LAN-Cable used)
    - After flashing I got a Messagebox saying everything was ok
    - I turned of the Box for about 2 hours (went for lunch; not sure if it has anything to do with it;just for info)
    - The box started as it was supposed to.

    It works ever since like a charm.

    Good luck to you. Because when it works it's pure fun.

    René aka Hogfather

    Dreambox 500 HD
    Samsung LE46A856

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