Beiträge von redsat


    My DM500 HD was dead the second time ( in 2 month) send it to dmm dubai is very expenseve for me (appro..160 USD dollars) and the first dead was cost me the same price...

    Please can you help me to resolve this pb without sending the box.. and are you beileve that dm500HD is a failed machine.

    Welcome on board my friend.

    You know what your problem is? .Trust a company which doesn't care about you. I asked for solution or official statement but nothing yet! .

    How can I spend this amount of money for sending it to DM each time? So , you know what I'm doing with it right now? I've put it under flower pot ! .

    Your mixing up two problems... The one you had, seems to be a hardware issue caused by some faulty productions...

    The other one was a problem that was really caued by faulty images (but i think those boxes are recoverable with the newest DreamUp :kissing_face:)

    We're 3 friends . all bought 500HD same day and all again ended up in GREEN LED OF DEATH!!. It means 100% fault .Hardware or software problem?! I really don't care. Only important things is , THEY ARE ALL DEAD . Good job DMM!!

    Two of them sent for DMM , one is here. I hope you're right about new version of DreamUp or something. But I wish I heard this from DMM guys.

    Hi my friends,

    I had noticed couple days ago, that DMM is working to solve this issue and new firmware will release soon...
    Moreover, I heard also DMM give instructions to all dealers to replce any defect DM 500HD with new one, till this issue solve..
    All the best...

    I wish you were one the officials when saying that .
    by the way , May I ask what was your source about this? Should I consider this as a DMM's statement?

    If you have a new DM500HD unit please be aware of a potential issue with
    some early version 3rd party images that may/will BRICK your DM500HD
    and could void the warrenty.

    This problem is not a Dream Multimedia issue but something created by
    the 3rd party software developers who have not thorouly tested the
    images before releasing.

    If it's a 3rd parties, Why my box BREAK?!(With purely original image). I'm sure IT'S A DREAM MULTIMEDIA issuse and nothing else !. I wonder why they choose silent? Have we any rights as a Test-customers?! Is this our answer as a group of people that their only mistake is trust this company and buy their new product?

    Anyway, my serial No. is : A224141100040**

    What's this mess Dream-Multimedia?! . My 500HD box worked for only one week . I didn't change anything. just working with official image!. What's this GREEN LED of DEATH?
    As a customer, I want an explanation. I know you will change my BOX or Repair it but why such a huge BUG should be on this model?! . Don't you have any Q.C , Test team or something?!

    An official statement is needed here .