Beiträge von MartiniB

    have alredy posted there
    Multisat suche
    dm800 Sat Scan/Auto services update Bug ("SID not found in PAT")


    in 99% of all cases, "SID not found in PAT" is a *disqec* problem.

    cant agre, first zap always is ok
    the problem point is a moment when diseq command is call in one or other operation

    found a way trough ass for me
    1. replace lamedb on dm800 with trusted services from dm7020
    2. killall -9 enigma2
    3. scan all S2 transponders by method 'single transponder scan'
    4. reboot from menu to remember all new services(!!! without any channel zap before)
    5. copy lamedb as backup

    and now if come "SID not found in PAT"
    sometime is enough zap to another sat position, but time at time i have to replace corupted lamedb with backup file and kill enigma2

    my sugestion for fix:
    before fix) add option which able turn off 'autoservices scan'(ASS) like in Enigma1
    1) check when ASS is call, mabe there can be add some delay and run it a second laiter after channel is cought (and add exit from ASS till next zap)
    2) check does all collected data about previous chanel is cleaned from memory on zap
    3) check why diseq is reset during scan single sat position(this point isnt present on E1, but first two looks werry similar as E1 have)

    please understand it cant be cause diseq commands!! it is because 'autoservices scan' option

    when i load trusted services from dm7020 to dm800 and make killall -9 enigma2 then first zap always is fast and with succes
    problem comes on next zap(on same sat position) only after option 'autoservices scan' is made wrong updates in services

    also so strange is why E2 sends diseq commands to change position during manual scan one sattelite

    in one tread i have attached two lamedb files with situation before autoscan and after, compare them

    THANK You for help

    with some values better with some less
    when chose [Services Searching]->[Manual Scan]->[Single sattelite] with option [Clear before scan]=yes
    on some values first found channels are from wrong sat pposition but on some they come laiter
    and no mater is it 36E where circular frequencies presented but also on 13E

    and i dont think that problem comes on diseq cause first zap to different sat position havent any problem,
    but after first zap services list is damaged by autoservices function which doesnt check from which position is caugt transponder

    also is so strange why during scan one sat position diseq is swiched on other ?!?!

    image: release-dm800_20080526.nfi
    with previous(20080504) had booting loop problem after box were unpluged from yesterday evening

    by first i need some command which turn OFF 'autoservices update' option

    start is there: Multisat suche

    next i tryed scan as 'Single sattelite', result almoust same - few services from chosen position plus many from Astra 19E(DiseqSwitch Input 1)

    after tryed 'Single transponder' mode, after finish all is ok(attached file 'lamedb_def+36')
    BUT after few zaps comes message 'SID not found in PAT' and that is ower of any channel can be set
    services file(attached as 'lamedb_def+36_AfterZap') now are damaged by function 'auto services update' which cant be turned off(like in Enigma1)

    also have tryed add options "commandOrder=cut" and "diseqcRepeats=one" to each LNB, it doesnt change anything

    had to owerpay for dm800, it cost for me around 560Eur (without a HDD) - nice box for one sat position

    autoscan doesnt work correctly,
    it add channels to wrong sat positions - channels from 19E come to 5E and 36E
    Enigma1 autoservices bug isnt fixed for long years, but it comes only after first scan

    E2 gives wrong services list on First scan

    my config:

    btw. option "- automatic service scan" is wrote in main optionslist of any dreambox model

    maybe this one you can modify for shutdown:

    dreambox(E1) restart by timer script with returning to last state(standby) and checking does dream isnt in recording mode

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    starting parameters:
    first - now or HourMinute(0000 to 2359)
    second(optional) - number of how many seconds dream must be up
    or with one symbol at the end of second parameter you can type how many what
    3600s - 3600 seconds = 1hour
    72h - 72 hours = 3 days
    5d - ... days
    1w - one week

    i start it from /var/script> by ading line(somewhere at ~begin),
    recommended line for 500;7000:
    /var/script/ 0500 &

    recommended line for 600;7020:
    /var/script/ 0500 3d &

    how many years requered to fix that Enigma1 BUG ???

    i have rescan all positions from blank list just month ago
    and there again comes problem with incorrectly added services:
    one zap to channell AXN and autoscan adds a lot newfound channels
    but on zap to that channels which marked as !Newfound enigma says "Service not found"

    about fix:
    1. autoscan must just update channells info if they already presented in list (dont add new)
    2. autoscan mustn't add new transponder to any position,
    _ sometime Diseq wasnt swich and stays on previous frequency on another sat position,
    _ but Enigma thinks it is on new sat position and there arent that channels in list and wrongly adds them
    3. in caese i dont belive that problem will be fixed soon i'd like ask one more option:
    _ "Delete all 'NewFound' channels" around option "Remove all 'NewFound' flags"

    try with my
    chmod 755 /usr/script/

    as result you will have one backup.tar.gz file with ~all important files and one backup.txt with colected filenames under /tmp/

    after new image intallation copy this file to /tmp/ and chose addons->manual install

    can someone fix this problem "atoservices update" bug

    problems with swiching comes when:
    a) more than one transponder has same id on one sat position
    _ (it can be some old frequency and also can be two real frequencies which are in use)
    b) cause wrong channels added to wrong sat position
    _ (i think it happen cause Enigma think new position is set, but it isnt done on DiseqSwich by some reason)