Then the company should definitely say something to its customers and followers. That's no way to work!
superadmin where's the news?
Then the company should definitely say something to its customers and followers. That's no way to work!
superadmin where's the news?
It's not possible to install this plugin... 404: NOT FOUND
Also noch mal, erwartet hier im Board keinerlei Statements wie es mal weitergehen wird, dafür hat "Dream" noch eine offizielle Webseite, wo sie gewohnt kommunikativ, Neuigkeiten veröffentlichen kann.
The promises of news were written here on the forum before the reopening...
"I have a Dream (TWO)!"
Warder I've been following the situation since the forum closed. I only wrote to “sting” (get a reaction) from super-administrator
They could optimize the most recent image (AIO), which still has a lot to offer, according to experts in the field.
They opened the forum, raised people's expectations and remain completely silent. It's not right! At least they said what they were doing!
They know there won't be an Open DreamOS image, but do they know what there will (still) be?
After the reopening of the forum and so much deafening silence from the company, can you give us some insight into what is being thought of/prepared by the DM?
Best regards
I didn't activate the plugin manually. I did several clean installs to try to detect the source of the "problem" and I never touched the plugin. From one moment to the next the "problem" started to appear without me having touched it. It may have been activated through other box settings/other plugins. I don't understand...
Best regards
I know, but it took time to discover "the rat"!
I installed the TMDBCockpit plugin from alpha and together with this plugin it automatically installed a series of other plugins, one of which was TimeshiftCockpit, which is activated by default.
As a result, the tuner was busy when I turned on the box. I discovered this accidentally when I went to delete the crashlogs in the media/hdd folder and discovered the file with the recording named timeshift.
Finally, I discovered the source of the problem: when I turned on the box, the timeshift plugin automatically started recording the channel and the tuner became busy. It's strange that I haven't touched this plugin once and also that the light doesn't start flashing when recording (I don't know if it's because of the Stream Relay plugin). As soon as I deactivated the plugin, everything worked normally.
Best regards
It's strange, because the tuner is busy.
It says "no free tuner" on most channels.
Only a GUI restart solves the problem. I don't think it's related to the channel list, but...
Editing channels from 10 sats is too much...
I've always used the vhannibal settings without any problems (years and years).
Lately, when I turn on the box (DM TWO AIO) on a free channel (13ºE, for example), the channel list is grayed out - I can't select any channels.
I have to restart the GUI and everything is back to normal.
What could be the problem?
ThreadOpendreambox 2.6 - AIO - Öffentlicher BetatestHallo zusammen!
Wir möchten, trotz noch verbleibender Bugs, die Öffentlichkeit daran teilhaben lassen was einem aktuellen Stand von enigma2 entspricht.
Vorab muss ich jedoch eines klarstellen:
Es handelt sicher hierbei um eine ECHTE Beta, die mehr Bugs haben wird wie man es von einem "normalen" unstable Image gewöhnt ist.
Das heißt auch, dass wir grundsätzlich davon abraten diesen Softwarestand auf einer "Wohnzimmerbox" zur täglichen Nutzung zu installieren.
Wir stellen Sie deshalb vorerst nicht…
The AIO file is not available for download?
"404 Not Found"
The facts is my own experience! You can read my posts about this subject.
Will we continue to see a deafening silence, as in recent times before the closure of the forum, or will someone responsible take the initiative to say something about the future (software development and new hardware)?!
It has nothing to do with GPT
I don't think that's true...
I don't know anything about it, but the problem has been solved since the change was made.
Update on the image flickering problem with 2K skins - from this topic:
It was resolved from the moment @gutemine launched RL #106 ---> which made it possible to switch to GPT. The issue is gone.
Perhaps it would be important to contact him to insert these changes in the next image/RL updates.
Welcome back!