Beiträge von mahdi

    @gutemine did I kill your father in a previous life?,

    I am a software engineer, not an idiot, and I think you don't want to help me regardless whatever I say.

    Please let other friendly people answer the only quesion I asked and I'll be so grateful for them, and after that I hope I never see you again or hear from you in my life and any supposedly coming lives.

    wow, I am now a criminal because the memory card lost its partition table, what could come next.

    I didn't delete the internal memory partition table, I don't know how to delete it, I never used debian before, I never used telenet before in my life, I don't know what happened and caused the problem.

    I don't beg for someone to fix my device, all I want to know is the size of partitions on a good dreambox two internal memory, I hope that is not a crime too.

    I didn't delete my partition table, I just uploaded a backup taken from my device.

    I don't waste my time on such things, all I've wanted it is to restore a backup that doesn't crash so often., and I was surprised when the box didn't startm and after trying to restore or apply other images,

    none has worked, so I am here, I just want the sizes of the partitions, and if I don't have I will throw my box.


    Myshel, thank you for your reply, but it seems that your partitions have a problem, but not affecting your box.

    Anyway, the command output should give the partitions on your box's internal memory in order with stating sector, sector count, and approximate size in MB.

    So, I am still in need for that information.

    Reichi, I need help to operate my device, I am not interested in playing with disks, although I've been working with partitioning for more than 20 years.

    I expected support, and I hope I get it.


    hello everyone,

    I am a new owner of a dreambox two ultra, and I faced this problem after a journey testing different images of the dreambox two.

    The device is solid and fast, but picture quality is not so, and channel editing and selection is a nightmare..

    Now I am facing this problem, the box doesn't boot and doesn't accept the online recovery as a solution., and after a long search I had this message "no valid partition table for mmcblk0".

    How do I restore the partition table for the device?

    Any help is welcome, and thanks in advance