Run plugins from command line

  • Sorry for my question, that vould be silly for many of you :face_with_rolling_eyes: ... but always trying to learn...
    Is there any way to run a plugin from command line (telnet)?
    Every time I tried, I always recived an error message, stopping on the first

    from xxx import yyy,zzz

    because of module xxx not found.
    And, assuming it's possible, could it be executed it in debug mode? And (naturally) if yes, how? :confused_face:
    Thanks for all from now!


    DM 920UHD - DM Two - DM One - DM 7020HD-v2 - DM 7020HD

  • You don't have the session in telnet to start a plugin.

    You can use for the debig-mode: init 4; sleep 5; enigma2

    MfG Ali

    DM8000 | DM8000 | DM500HD | DM500HD | DM7020S

    while [ 1 ]
    	echo "i love my dreams!!!"
    	sleep 1