updating the channel list after a satellite scan

  • I needed to rescan a satellite as there were new transponders on that satellite that I wanted to add. But when the scanning was over, I ended up with a double copy of all the old channels plus a few new ones. This was not the behavior that I expected. there is no need for the DB to add all the existing old channels to the list and give me a double copy. Instead, it would be nice to ask the user that there are x many channels that already exist on the channel list for this satellite. Do you want to add the same channels again?" and in many cases the user would answer no, which means only add the newly found channels and not the old ones.

  • I just used SatcoDx to create a new satellites.xml file and moved it to the DB replacing the old one. I then rebooted the box and scanned the satellite using the new satellites.xml file. I also used "flags=1" in the satellites.xml file to have it network scan the satellite. Is it not the right way? If this is not the correct approach, please explain the process.

  • I'm not in front of my Box so I'm just guessing. :winking_face:

    Maybe your new satellites.xml used not the same description for the satellites and so there are now the same services from theoretically 'different' satellites.

    If you delete all your services and use a satcodx satellies.xml from the beginning, then I think it wont happen, if you change the list with satcodx later.



  • Zitat

    Originally posted by floh
    Maybe your new satellites.xml used not the same description for the satellites and so there are now the same services from theoretically 'different' satellites.

    No, its the same exat satellite, "Intelsat Americas 5" @97W.


    Originally posted by floh
    If you delete all your services and use a satcodx satellies.xml from the beginning, then I think it wont happen, if you change the list with satcodx later.

    Two questions:
    1) When you say "services", which files exactly do I need to delete?
    2) Is this the correct approach every time?

  • 1. it depends on where youv'e got double entrys.

    2. No it's not the correct approach. Usually you shouldn't have double entrys.
    it could maybe show, if the problem has a connection to the satellites.xml



  • 1- All the old channels in the channel list have two entries.

    2- How do we debug this? Do you want me to post or PM the satellites.xml file?

  • Zitat

    Original von nattar
    2- How do we debug this? Do you want me to post or PM the satellites.xml file?

    I still think it has to do with the changed satellites.xml.

    You can try the following:

    -Make a Backup from /etc/enigma2 directory.

    - Delete /etc/enigma2/lamedb

    -Reboot the box and make a new scan

    -Reboot the box and make a scan again

    -are there any double entrys?

