"Tuning failed" error when are DMM going to fix it?

  • hi,

    me and my friends all have same problem, we all have different images, same problem, tuning failed, DMM need to get this problem fixed now..

    they cant stick there head in the sand.. its a wery expensive satbox and you shuldnt have this issues..

    oh its the same problem on original image also,

    what I have seen when I got tuning failed is that Ber jumps to 60000-80000.

    I have a diseqC 1.1 and 2 lnb about 10m of cable hocked to my 800

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Ludde ()

  • With tuner A i have tuning problems, but when i put the cable in tuner B everything's fine.

    (i don't have twin LNB's yet, just one cable from my dish)

    As long as i don't have twin LNB's it's a good work-around, but ofcourse this issue must be fixed soon.

    Oh and i have a Dreambox 8000.

  • Just buy a cheap 1.0 Diseq and it will work fine.

    Use latest G**** Image and you will be just fine...stable.

    Kudos to the developers on sorting lots of bugs i had since the first week of Dm800 release

  • No it will not be fine!!!

    I will still fail to tune!

    sent a mail to DMM and they say a experimental will fix it.. and it doesnt. so I filed a internet fraud as IT IS to my cc company, I will get my money back..