• Hi!
    After installation of DiseqcTester Plugin on my db 800, calling Plugins from menu a warning appairs, speaking about a missing module, TextBox.
    In fact, plugin code wants to import Screens.TextBox

    from Screens.TextBox import TextBox

    But into Screens no TextBox.py.
    Image is based on enigma2 of 12/12/2008
    Any idea?

    DM 920UHD - DM Two - DM One - DM 7020HD-v2 - DM 7020HD

  • TextBox was added in commit f95be11f0517eac56013b0ccb14825be97fc1540.
    Or more obvious: your enigma2 is too old. You should go with 2008/12/17 - how exactly did you get the DiseqcTester. It was added to the repository at abour the same time :winking_face:

    Homescreen eurer Apple-Geräte noch nicht voll genug?

    dreaMote: Fernbedienung für Dreamboxen
    Mobile WOL: Wake-on-LAN Client für iOS mit optionalem Widget
    My Home Remote: Fernkontrolle für Homematic CCU/CCU2 optimiert für mobile Benutzung

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by ritzMo
    TextBox was added in commit f95be11f0517eac56013b0ccb14825be97fc1540.
    Or more obvious: your enigma2 is too old. You should go with 2008/12/17 - how exactly did you get the DiseqcTester. It was added to the repository at abour the same time :winking_face:

    Thanks! It was just what I supposed, but I couldn't compile till now to verify it... :winking_face:

    DM 920UHD - DM Two - DM One - DM 7020HD-v2 - DM 7020HD

  • Hi!
    Into todays GIT-CVS on a dm 800 (29/12/2008 ) diseqctester crashes enigma2, and log file results empty:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/TuneTest.py", line 125, in updateStatus
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/DiseqcTester/plugin.py", line 510, in finishedChecking
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/DiseqcTester/plugin.py", line 105, in getTextualResult
    orbpos = index[2]
    TypeError: 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable
    (PyObject_CallObject(<bound method DiseqcTester.updateStatus of <class 'Plugins.SystemPlugins.DiseqcTester.plugin.DiseqcTester'>>,()) failed)


    DM 920UHD - DM Two - DM One - DM 7020HD-v2 - DM 7020HD

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