dm8000 pricing..

  • Folks,
    I see HM-sat and are listing the DM8000 at €999. However I previously received an email from DMM indicating that the bare-bones setup (w/o HDD, wifi or DVD-RW) would be €799.

    However the specs on HM-sat and sat-place seem to suggest to me that these are bare-bone systems.. i.e without the DVD drive and wifi module.. yet the price is €999.. I may be wronge here.. but thats my reading of the specs.

    When I originally applied to be a beta tester and then declined over the very restrictive terms and conditions.. I had asked DMM at the time if there was an option to get the beta box without the HDD, DVD and wifi to make it cheaper to get.. the reply I got had the following text..

    "When the device will be launched later on it will be without all these accessories for RRP 799.- Euro. If the end user wants to upgrade the device with all accessories the price will be more than 1000.- Euro."

    ..I think that €799 is actually an accceptable price for a bare-bones system.. but if this is going to be €999 now, then I'm afraid that DMM needs to get their shit together as the price is not realistic.

    Can anyone confirm if this €999 price is bare-bones or is it including the DVD & wifi?.. I don't need either.. I already have ethernet where my current 7025 receiver is located and don't need a DVD drive.. if I need to burn DVDs from recordings, I can transfer the files to my PC.

  • Things change, more problems / work / expenses pop up = higher prices = € 999.- (for basic box).
    You should have bought the "beta" box when lucky you had the chance, it was at a bargain price (when you look back)!

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by dresdner353
    ..I think that €799 is actually an acceptable price for a bare-bones system.. but if this is going to be €999 now, then I'm afraid that DMM needs to get their shit together as the price is not realistic.

    Can anyone confirm if this €999 price is bare-bones or is it including the DVD & wifi?..

    Here in Bulgaria, the announced price for bare-bones DM8000 is €999.

    I was also expecting around 700~800 price but...

    "Good things come to those, who wait."