Component output from the SCART

  • I tried the component video from the SCART port and it did not work? Has anybody been able to get it to work?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von nattar ()

  • So, basically the SCART port is useless :loudly_crying_face: it is taking some space on the back but has no use !!!!!!

    I thought that the board was designed by DMM engineers and if this is the case, why didn't they go throug the design to make sure that all the conenctions and links are correct? this box wasn't exactly cheap either !?!?!?! this is the most expensive unit among my boxes !?!?!? this doesn't make me exactly happy

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von nattar ()

  • Hu? SCART is RGB, not YUV.

    That you can use YUV via SCART is more luck than a feature. YUV and RGB have different levels and require different coupling.

  • So, are you saying that this adapter that I have purchased will not work?

    Please look at the middle of the page for "DreamBox Component Video SCART Adapter". I am trying t oconnect this to the component video port of my TV. My DVD player is connected to the second component port of the TV and works fine. But when I switch to the first port and want t owatch my DB7025, all the colors are messed up????

  • Zitat

    Original von nattar
    So, are you saying that this adapter that I have purchased will not work?

    Please look at the middle of the page for "DreamBox Component Video SCART Adapter". I am trying t oconnect this to the component video port of my TV. My DVD player is connected to the second component port of the TV and works fine. But when I switch to the first port and want t owatch my DB7025, all the colors are messed up????

    Maybe you should try to use the search (suchen) option in this Board.

    It'll answer the most of your questions.

    For example 'yuv & 7025' will give the answer you're looking for.



  • As far as I see is this adapter on the website fpr RGB Component Output, not for YUV, so this should normally work ...

  • I tried searching and looked through all the threads that I found. The SCART adapter and component video do not work and all the colors are messed up. I also tried various settings in the A/V settings page and that did not hep either !?!?!?!?

    "tmbinc" is saying that this is designed for RGB. CAn you explain what RGB is good for if it can not be used to display on a TV screen?

  • Sure, RGB can be used to display on a TV screen. In fact, the majority of Set-Top-Box users in europe will do this.

    Some TVs (mainly USA ones), however, fail to display RGB. Some of them can do YUV, which has about the same quality as RGB.

    Now, you can setup your dreambox to output YPbPr / YUV instead of RGB (there are a couple of forum threads here which describe how to do this), however, it's offically unsupported because it's simply not possible with the hardware to output real YUV. It is, however, possible to output something quite similiar to real YUV, and some/most Displays are happy with that. For these who are not, you have to replace 3 capacitors. That's also described in the thread.

    (Everybody who claims to have hardware which can do both should please answer my questions on how this should work. As far as i know, there is no way to comply to both standards at once.)

    Now RGB is simply more important (as we also offer S-Video, and the difference between S-Video and YUV is far less than composite (which would be the next choice as S-Video isn't often used in europe) compared to RGB.

    There are no real "SCART-to-YUV"-converters (well, there are, but they are a lot more expensive as they have to do colorspace conversion). It's like these USB-to-PS2 converters - they only work if the attached hardware is designed for that. Selling a Scart-to-yuv-converter, without telling that it doesn't work on all hardware, is a bad thing.

  • tmbinc

    Thank You so much for the explanation. So, based on your comments, I should be able to use S-Video as I don't want to mess with the hardware of my beloved DB7025 yet. Also, do you know of any component SCART adapters that would take care of the incompatibilities and produce the correct signal for the YUV?

  • Try YPbPr first, if you already got the adapter (you have to do this "enableyuv=1" hack in your /etc/enigma2/config - basically do "init 5", edit the config file, then "init 3" (or reboot). then you should be able to select YPbPr in the video setup).

    If that doesn't work properly for you, use s-video (or mess with the hardware).

    I do not know if it's possible to rebuild a proper YUV signal out of the fake-YUV signal produced by the dreambox. I guess it is, since some TVs display a correct picture, but i don't know. (I'm still waiting for an explanation what the actual incompatibility is based on exactly...)

    There are a couple of Scart->YUV adapters which are made "for dreambox". But i don't know if they contain any additional signal conditioning or so.

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by tmbinc
    Try YPbPr first, if you already got the adapter (you have to do this "enableyuv=1" hack in your /etc/enigma2/config - basically do "init 5", edit the config file, then "init 3" (or reboot). then you should be able to select YPbPr in the video setup).

    Yeeeeeeeeehhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! that was the trick. Its working fine.
    Just to be clear if someone else finds this thread later, the string in the config file is "config.av.yuvenabled=0" which needs to be changed to "config.av.yuvenabled=1".

    tmbinc Thanks Dude!

    Now, on to the next challenge! :grinning_squinting_face: