"software update" missing

  • Please provide some information about the hard- and software used.

    [b]Box type: DM 500+
    [b]GUI (enigma1/enigma2): enigma
    [b]Firmware version: 1.4.0

    [b]your question

    Apparently the "software update" option is missing from the "expert setup" menu. is there anything I can do to restore / add this ESSENTIAL function?

    Thank you

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by m0rphU
    This function is obsolete... Use DreamUP or flash through the WebInterface

    Well, take a look into code:

    if (eSystemInfo::getInstance()->hasNetwork

    if ( eSystemInfo::getInstance()->getHwType() != eSystemInfo::DM7020 )  // no update for 7020 yet
    CONNECT((new eListBoxEntryMenu(&list, _("Software Update"), eString().sprintf("(%d) %s", ++entry, _("open software update")) ))->selected, eExpertSetup::software_update);

    also, not case situation for 500+ :

    case 1:   // d-box2
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 5:   // dm7000
    case 6:   // dm56xx
    case 7:   // dm500
    case 8:   // tr272S

    so, We cannot expect that something work if is not defined anywhere :winking_face:

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