getting epg data

  • I'm writing a plugin that needs to get epg data from a current service. I've tried using webif and wget combination but it doesn't work, wget just locks the screen(untill I kill wget process using telnet). I'm tried this:

    string cmd = "wget -O /tmp/epg.tmp http://localhost/getcurrentepg";

    Then I tried using "root:dreambox@localhost" instead of just "localhost" above but it doesn't work.

    Is there any alternative method I can use?


  • maybe there you will find some useable method
    auto audio cahnnel(Left/Rigt) swich on dream(without other image)

    but im so interested on some posibilities add/update EPG info from outside for services which havent EPG at all

  • This is what I use and this works :

    wget -O- "http://root:passwd@ip-adres:80/getcurrentepg" -O /home/test/channel.html

    This gets the current EPG and places the outpunt in a file /home/test/channel.html

    Best regards,
