IP RTP Multicast and Dreamboxes

  • Please provide some information about the hard- and software used.

    Box type: DM7020
    GUI (enigma1/enigma2): enigma1
    Firmware version: release 2.6.0, 19.12.2005

    your question

    I am currently working on building a multi-user, multi-dreambox setup, and for data transmission we would like to use RTP multicast, as the built in unicast does not work for multiple users, and IP multicast is supported by our network infrastructure.

    I have been searching the internet for a working solution to this problem, but have found none.
    Do any of you have any good pointers to documentation or working solutions to getting a multicast stream directly from the DreamBox?

    (I found that the BitControl software for Windows does this from a separate computer, but the server
    park needs to be all linux, and directly from the Dreambox would be prefered.)

  • Same here. I would like to know is it possible tu multicat directly from DM7025. Unicast is OK, but as it would be perfect if it might be possible tu use multicast

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I don't know any solution directly from the box (the 7025 can't stream over ip at all at the moment).
    But you can use VLC (www.videolan.org) which works perfectly unter linux and with console commands.
    You can write quite simple scripts to fetch the current stream-data from the box (via web-interface) and hand them to VLC which first is able to convert the stream (scaling etc.) and second it can provide multicast streams.

    Have a look at videolan.org and try to use the http://<boxip>/video.m3u command to gain access to the stream data.



    "All we need to do ... is keep talking (Stephen Hawking)"

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    I won't give support via PN/E-Mail and I won't answer such messages.

  • Well i have implemented such a solution on my corporate lan, which greatly support multicast.

    Unfortunately the streaming feature of the 7020 is really poor.
    first of all, it does not support multicast. then even if a video.m3u file is provided, i think it's pretty stupid that information about the service (pmt, vpid, apid) needs to be provided to be able to read the stream. I wonder why the DM does not stream whatever service is selected on the tuner.
    In the architecture, I inserted a linux server running vlc as a streaming server, which support perfectly multicast and igmp v3.

    vlc is very easy to setup. try first using the gui, which will help you to build the cli args needed. then you can deactivate it to use it as a daemon.

    finally a small web server runs on the linux host too, with few pages which allow users to zap ( cgi using wget command to send http get requests to the webif )

    that's it.
    Hope this helps.

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by Olove
    Have a look at videolan.org and try to use the http://<boxip>/video.m3u command to gain access to the stream data.


    Thanks, that is working out quite nicely, until someone changes the channel . . .

    The problem is the contents of the video.m3u file: http://158.xx.xx.xx:31339/0,0101,0201,0284,1ffd

    Is there any way to get a video-feed for VLC independent of the current channel, as the current solution requires a new video.m3u file each chane you change channels.



    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von AndreasB ()

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    What do you mean with "independant of the current channel"?



    "All we need to do ... is keep talking (Stephen Hawking)"

    Ich leiste KEINEN Support per PN/E-Mail, derartige Anfragen werden nicht beantwortet.
    I won't give support via PN/E-Mail and I won't answer such messages.

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by Olove
    What do you mean with "independant of the current channel"?

    If I am streaming, say BBC World, the contents of video.m3u will be http://158.xx.xx.xx:31339/0,0101,0201,0284,1ffd , if I change to another channel, the contents of video.m3u might become http://158.xx.xx.xx:31339/0,0101,0222,0222,1ffd and that will cause the VLC streaming to stop, as it will no longer be recieving data.

    VLC will at that point need to re-fetch video.m3u, and re-start.

    The problem is doing that automatically and seamlessly, so my question is if it is possible to get a stream from the DreamBox at one permanent address not changing as the channel changes.

  • Hmm, appending vlc:quit to the vlc command line ends the VLC process, this can easily be detected, video.m3u re-fetched and the streaming continued :smiling_face:

    However, I have found a new problem.

    If I use the Dreambox to record a TV channel, I cannot view the channel over the HTTP interface at the same time. Has anyone else run into this? Found any workarounds?