Modal bug ?

  • Code
    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 686, in entitlements, "Could not read informations.")
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 278, in open
        raise "modal open are allowed only from a screen which is modal!"
    modal open are allowed only from a screen which is modal!
    (PyObject_CallObject(<bound method ActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.ActionMap instance at 0x2eee1238>>,('WizardActions', 'ok')) failed)

    this bug i get when i update cvs to newer one. Could you helpe me ?

  • is NOT part of e2-cvs, so the error is a little hard to trace (without any information), but the message kinda speaks for itself: you're not allowed to open a screen (well, this is the short version *g*).

    There actually haven't been any changes relevant to this, so I wonder why this should only happen in a newer e2 revision (dates would help here...). But I'd consider this a plugin/patch/whatever-issue.

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