What is USB port used for???

  • Hi all,

    I`m a new bie here and I `m asking about the usb port in my 7025, what is used for??
    I have tried to connect a usb flash memory to my 7025 using usb port, and it appears in the information inside the reciever but nothing else, it can not be used, u can not write, or record over it, So what is this USB port used for????

    Is it for only keyboards??? or for what ??

    Also can someone explain plz what is meant by a compact flash???
    is it special memory card like that present in cell phones and digital camera???

  • with my dm7000, i can use the memory stick for testing other images and memory extension. in my opinion, using a memory stick as memory extension should be possible for dm7025 too.

    but it is important that the stick is formatted in ext3 and not fat (what is normally used as most people have windows installed).


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