How re-read timers.xml without kill enigma2

  • In Linux environment (my computer, not in Dreambox) I've just discovered GShowTV software

    It read XMLTV , display programs in a nice way and user can set recording.
    Then recording program TV / time can be exported through an export interface.
    A friend of mine has made a pair of scripts that are an export interface to 7025 timers.xml
    The script modify timers.xml and then Enigma2 must re-read timers.xml.
    A simple way is "killall -9 enigma2" , but is a terrible way to do so.

    There is another smooth way to tell to Enigma2 to re-read timers.xml ?

    Thanks for any suggestion.

  • Mi sa che ci stiamo rispondendo tra di noi.

    Tra l'altro non riesco nemmeno a fare l'immagine di oggi..

    antiscrollbar/src/ installing `./py-compile' required directory ./imdb does not exist
    autoreconf: automake failed with exit status: 1
    + oefatal 'autoreconf execution failed.'
    + echo FATAL: 'autoreconf execution failed.'
    FATAL: autoreconf execution failed.
    + exit 1

    Mi dà questo errore nei plugins.


    X° MAS

    Let's all get up and dance to a song....