DM600 wont boot :(

  • Today a tried to flash my new dm600 with the dreamup software. I tried with 4 diferent computers and 2 rs232 cables, windows xp and windows vista and i always receive the same mensage " " Is not a valid integer value "

    A friend tells me to tried a diferent telnet commands

    mount /boot -o remount,rw
    rm /boot/*

    and then go to my dream by ip and then flash the receiver.

    Now my dream wont boot, i plug the power cord and nothing!!!

    Please help me guys

    Thak you in advance

  • You need to give more info. Like

    (1) Which dreamup

    (2) What exacly happens when you connect

    (3) Which image in now in your box

    (4) Which image you are trying to load ( please do not mention third party image here)

    (5) Can you connect with ftp

    (6) If not, do you know the default ip the box gets from dhcp?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von pcd ()

  • Hi, and thak you for the atention.

    1) Dreambox 600pvr

    2)as described in the post, i tried that commands by telnet, the receiver restarts and then noting. i think that the box are without boot files!!

    3) i buy this box 3 days ago and no modification was made. Original firmware inside.

    4) My intention is to load a newer flash and since dreamup was unsuccessfull, i tried the method.

    5) i wish a can connect, but dont work, my intention was to load a image by internet explorer (connecting to the box by ip)

    6) The Dhcp was disabled, the ip a defined is 192.162.x.x, i tried to conection without success.

    Is anyway to put the bootloader files, like in the dm 7020??


  • Ploblem solved.

    pcd, thanks for your reply, at least you give me some atention :face_with_rolling_eyes:

    Its unbelievable that the dream multimedia "customer information forum" dont give any atention to the costumers. :angry_face:

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    If you gave any hint WHAT solved your problem you could possibly help other people instead of only argueing that nobody helped you.

    Just my 2 cents



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  • I dont do anything , simply about 30/40 tries it works!!! :confused_face:

    There is a lot of people with this problem in dm600, and no solution or
    answer from dream multimedia!!! :frowning_face:

  • Guten Abend!
    Ich wollte meine 600PVR eben auch per Nullmodemkabel updaten und hatte daselbe Problem.
    Nachdem die Box erkannt wurde, kam die Fehlermeldung " "is not a valid integer" (das zweite Anführungszeichen ist Bestandteil der Fehlermeldung!".
    Einige Hinweise, die man bei Google dazu findet, beziehen sich auf die Einstellung des Com-Port... zB die Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit anpassen, die Flußkontrolle auf "Hardware" stellen (im Gerätemanager) und / oder das Verwenden von FIFO-Buffern deaktivieren.

    Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn: Hat alles nix geholfen :smiling_face:
    Nachdem ich hier den Thread gefunden habe, habe ich schmerzfrei 15-20 hintereinander versucht mit DreamUp eine Verbindung herzustellen und plötzlich gehts..... keine Ahnung woran es liegt, aber in englischen / amerikanischen Foren ließt man auch einiges über diesen Fehler. Es handelt sich dabei definitiv um keinen Einzelfall und sollte demnach Anlaß für die Entwickler sein, sich dessen mal anzunehmen.
    Selbstverständlich habe ich die aktuellste DramUp-Version verwendet.

  • hi. I bought and on the same day I did something my 600 not boot any more. all the time blink green and red. dreamup dont detect anything. How to test is null cable ok? I use usb converter (laptop). ANY SOLUTION Please. Where can I fix dreambox in UK.
    P.s. I want to be sure that this model is original, how do I need to recognize this from clone

  • hi can any one translate the above to english?

  • As no German speaker has translated - this is my attempt :- :smiling_face:

    "I tried to flash my 600pvr with null-modem cable with the same problem. The message was "" "is not a valid integer". In Google I found that in device hardware setup FIFO buffer should be deactivated. After that I tried 15-20 times and suddenly got connection. I don't know why. There have been some discussion of this problem in an American board. The developers should take up this issue.

    Obviously I used the most current DramUp-version. "

    Cheers, pcd.

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by arnisz
    hi. I bought and on the same day I did something my 600 not boot any more. all the time blink green and red. dreamup dont detect anything. How to test is null cable ok? I use usb converter (laptop). ANY SOLUTION Please. Where can I fix dreambox in UK.
    P.s. I want to be sure that this model is original, how do I need to recognize this from clone

    You can try to inform here:
    SatStore, PO Box 52, Evesham, WR11 2BL, UK
    Tel: 0845 226 3360 (Int +44845 226 3360)

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