cannot create director hdd

  • I am having problems recording to the HDD on the DM600PVR -S. I know the reason why but don't know how it happened. It seems that the /media/hdd directory is missing.
    When I telnet and login as root I do :
    cd /media
    mkdir hdd

    I get mkdir: Cannot create directory `hdd': Input/output error

    What am I doing wrong? how can I create the hdd directory. Any idea


  • Maybe your hd is broken?
    /media/hdd is usually local hard disk.

    root@dm600pvr:/media> df
    Filesystem 1k-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
    /dev/root 28672 18548 10124 65% /
    /dev/mtdblock/2 3824 1764 2060 46% /boot
    tmpfs 30860 28 30832 0% /var
    tmpfs 30860 20 30840 0% /tmp
    /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 29297048 14843776 14453272 51% /media/hdd

    You could try 'dmesg' command to get info from boot messages.

  • The problem is not related to your hdd, as /media/hhd should be on the flash filesystem not the hdd (or is the hdd mounted to /media?).

    Please post df -k and df -i as well as the last 10 lines of "dmesg" after you have tried to: "mkdir /media/hdd"